Saturday, September 27, 2008

Calories Burned Using Arc Cardio

E 'the way to govern?

Day September 25, 2008 for the first time I attended a session of the City Council, but in reality I have been listening for about 15 minutes after which I could not find any more interest to continue.
Let me explain briefly: when I arrived already the vice-president Valerio Martines, which are my wishes and my good luck, had been elected, the situation in front of me was this: present all the directors of the new majority / opposition, absent the consultants representing the AC, only present the vice-mayor Giustolisi.
The thing that has disgusted me more, is not so much present or absent, but the fact that each of the members present asked to speak and he made a speech in which two points were discussed: the work critical of the administration, the same as those made in a few days before meeting and greeting the new vice-president. And the thing that I want to emphasize is that all its members present recited the same side, doing nothing but wasting time, so that the Council has been postponed. And the proposals? The other points to be discussed?
It has even been referred to the public and they've really decided to leave: the audience was composed of a dozen elderly people who pretended to listen and that at some point you are bored, that they were the only pass the time! Mah!
I would like to extend an invitation to the gentlemen who govern us: Forget the appearances do not just think you have to show everyone the gift of eloquence of the speeches and you can do: go to the point, worked for the good of a country otherwise let by ; the whole community will thank you!!

Friday, September 5, 2008

I Want To Make A Money Tree For A Shower

Who has courage?

Recent political events have occurred in Mirabella did nothing but confirm three common concepts to our dear representatives: the first is the continuous pursuit of personal interest rather than that of the community, the second directly connected to the first, is the attachment the "chair" and the personal representative within the AC, the third, as if the other two were not enough to make the situation critical, is that these problems have spread evenly among all politicians, be they old or young, "Communist "or" fascists ", or" left "or" dextroses, "which leads me to two questions: who should rely on the community Mirabellese groped for a solution to its perennial problems? Credibility with which all, or at least the vast majority of current directors, whether majority or minority, right or left, in the light of the disasters combined during the past legislative may occur to the public, sorry to the community?
La risposta può, a seconda delle opinioni personali e delle amicizie, essere complicatissima o anche molto semplice.
Io provo a dare quella semplice: basterebbe "mandare a casa" indistintamente tutti gli attuali rappresentanti e sostituirli con gente nuova al potere, non per forza giovane(anche alla luce dei fatti recenti), che abbia come unico interesse quello collettivo. Difficile? Può darsi ma nella vita bisogna provare!!
Ecco perchè vorrei lanciare una semplice proposta a tutti coloro i quali saranno in grado di mettersi in gioco e "attivarsi" al fine della costruzione di un movimento di rinnovamento politico a Mirabella Imbaccari.
Chiunque provasse interesse per queste proposte, o condividesse le mie opinioni or wishes to challenge or criticism can freely do so. Look
few brave!