secundum antiquam vel extraordinariam
ritus romani formam
a cura di Daniele Di Sorco
Edizioni Cantagalli
È disponibile il volume per l'anno 2011

complectens directorium liturgicum pro anno Domini 2011,
iuxta calendarium Ecclesiæ universæ
cm. 14x21, pp. 150
What 's Ordo Missae et celebrandi divine Office persolvendi ?
is the annual guide to the celebration of the extraordinary form of the Roman Rite. Fully complies with the provisions of the motu proprio Summorum Pontificum , the ' Ordo Missae celebrandae et persolvendi divine Office, edited by Daniel Sorce, is an indispensable aid to all churches and chapels in which we celebrate the Holy Mass in the Roman Missal of 1962, as well as all the priests, religious or faithful who, in private or in public, reciting the traditional Roman Breviary.
How does the 'Ordo ?
Since 2010, the Ordo is divided into two volumes, in order to practice, the consultation and also to reduce costs. In fact, the first volume, which contains general information on the celebration of Mass and the recitation of the Office, you buy once and for all, and the second to bring the liturgical calendar for the current year, is republished from year to year.
those who have already obtained the two volumes that made up the 2010 edition indivisible, may be limited to buying only the second volume, containing the liturgical directory for next year 2011. Those who were still lacking the first volume, can buy it in conjunction with the second, at a discounted price.
What's in it?
The FIRST VOLUME includes:
- the full text, extracted from Acta Apostolicae Sedis, the motu proprio Summorum Pontificum ;
- the rules on fasting el ' abstinence;
- headings for the calendar to be used in the celebration of Mass and the recitation of the Office;
- on the tables above, the ' occurrence and competition of liturgical days;
- many plans, simple and accurate, on how to order the different parts of the Divine Office and the Mass according to the liturgical day;
- a succinct and schematic of rules that regulate the tone of voice and the ' use of singing in different species of Mass (read, sung and solemn)
- an extract of Instructio et de Sacred Music Sacred Liturgy promulgated by S. Congregation of Rites, September 3, 1958, on active participation of the faithful at Mass ;
- a collection of documents of the Holy See regarding the celebration of Mass or the recitation of the Office;
- tables and directions celebration of the votive Masses of class IV;
- the full text of prayers to be recited, in accordance with the provisions of the Vatican, in a few days of the liturgical year (novena to the Holy Spirit; act of consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary; act of reparation to the SS. Heart of Jesus Prayer to St. Joseph; act of consecration of mankind to Christ the King);
- an appendix to Italy, with the offices of their patron St. And St. Catherine of Siena Francis of Assisi.
The second volume (purchased separately) includes :
- the days of mobile table for the current year, the formula for the announcement of the movable feast day of Epiphany and a reminder to practice daily, reminiscent of the main rules on the Office and Mass;
- the directory for the complete liturgical 'year, according to the universal Roman calendar, with precise and detailed instructions, day by day, the recitation of the Breviary and Martyrology and the celebration of Holy Mass.
Both volumes show the solution of acronyms and abbreviations.
This year, as we have seen, the second volume can be purchased separately.
How do you use?
Use the ' Ordo Missae et celebrandae persolvendi divine Office is very simple.
The first volume you always have on hand, in a clear, concise and schematic, all the main rules governing the extraordinary form of Roman rite.
The second volume allows you to order, day by day, the Office and the Mass without difficulty and, above all, without having to go every time to see the headings.
In short, the ' Ordo Missae et celebrandae divine Office persolvendii allows everyone, including beginners, to celebrate the traditional liturgy in accordance with the provisions of the rubrics of the Holy See.
The use of the Latin language creates difficulties?
Latin which is drawn up the 'Ordo is also accessible to those who have little in-depth knowledge of this language, and allows the use of the work on the part of Catholics around the world.
How do you buy?
L ' Ordo can be purchased at all bookstores or directly from the website of Cantagalli publishing house.
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