Decree laws pending in Parliament on April 25
Among the acts are still outstanding in the transition between the XV and XVI term, and bequeathed to the new government, there are five examination by-laws for the new houses to be converted by next June.
For these by-laws, the Chamber of Deputies approved the establishment of a special commission, composed of 30 members appointed by the parliamentary groups in proportion to their numbers.
The decree-law, currently pending in the House, include:
expression secrecy of the vote in elections;
the implementation of Community obligations and enforcement of judgments of the Court of Justice, the
disposizioni finanziarie in materia di trasporti ferroviari regionali;
le disposizioni finanziarie in materia di protezione civile;
le misure urgenti per assicurare il pubblico servizio di trasporto aereo.
Disposizioni urgenti per l'attuazione di obblighi comunitari e l'esecuzione di sentenze della Corte di giustizia delle Comunità europee (Decreto salva-infrazioni)
Il decreto (definito anche "salva-infrazioni") ha l'obiettivo di sanare alcune procedure di infrazione e impedire la presentazione di eventuali ricorsi scongiurando così una condanna dell'Italia da parte della Corte di Giustizia.
Per tre delle procedure di infrazione in questione, (mancato recupero degli aiuti di Stato a società municipalizzate and state aid for employment, and failure to transpose Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of 23 October 2000, for Community action in the field of water), the European Commission has already announced the imminent appeal to the Court of Justice. Without immediate legislative action to avoid such proceedings Italy risks for each of the three infringement procedures indicated the order to pay a minimum lump sum of € 9,920,000, plus a penalty payment of between 22,000 and 700,000 € for each day of delay in the second sentence. E 'to keep in mind that, once introduced the application, the Commission European Union have stopped the removal of the same in case of late adaptation of the recalcitrant State.
Funding urgent civil protection
The decree-law provides for the restoration, to 48.8 million euro, the Fund for Civil Protection and defining the modalities for the refund of taxes and contributions suspended following a seismic event took place in September 1997 in Umbria and Marche.
The measure, therefore, the purpose of further funding of civil protection activities by allocating new resources in addition to those specified in the Finance Act 2008, taken with the special provisions. They, therefore, a purely accounting content. For
As regards the seismic events of September 1997 in Umbria and Marche to the decree law provides for those who have benefited from the suspension of the deadline for tax payments and payments of social security, welfare and insurance required by ordinances passed by the Minister ' internal in 1997 and 1998. To this end, it was provided a budget of € 50 million from 2008. The decree-law provides for a reduction of the debt at 60 percent and the return by the taxpayer, the remaining 40 per cent in ten years, with no applicable interest and penalties. The funding is provided through new resources. The decree
, published in the Official Journal of 8 April and in force since April 10, is currently before the House of Representatives and must be converted by June 7, 2008.
Financial provisions relating to urgent regional rail
The decree-law aims at ensuring the availability of minimum resources to ensure that, for the first months of 2008 to maintain current levels of rail services in regions with ordinary statute currently exercised by the company Trenitalia Spa under service contracts outstanding as at December 31, 2007. This is to prevent the interruption of a significant part of the same and cause serious inconvenience to users. With
2008 Budget (Article 1, paragraphs 295 and following - Law 244/2007), was introduced a structural reform of the system of financing of these services, which provides, in implementation of the reform of Title V of Part II of the Constitution, the abolition of state transfers to the regions with the allocation of revenue sharing to the excise on diesel. Thus, the sector will rely, in line with what has already happened for the road and rail services on a source of funding and some dynamic over time, which will allow ordinary statute regions entering into new service contracts. The decree
, published in the Official Gazette on 8 aprile scorso, è attualmente all'esame della Camera dei deputati e deve essere convertito entro il il 7 giugno 2008.
Misure urgenti per assicurare il pubblico servizio di trasporto aereo
Il decreto-legge intende garantire, per il tempo strettamente necessario, un servizio pubblico essenziale al fine di evitare l’interruzione della continuità territoriale e problemi di ordine pubblico. In particolare, l’intervento si propone di contenere le conseguenze sistemiche, di rilevanza prioritaria per la politica dei trasporti e per il sistema economico del Paese, che si determinerebbero a seguito di un blocco del trasporto aereo.
L’intervento ha anche l’obiettivo di non compromettere la conclusione del processo privatization of Alitalia, waiting for the new government should take the fullness of his powers.
The decree provides for the payment of € 300 million to Alitalia-Linee Aeree Italian SpA, to be able to respond to immediate liquidity needs.
intervention was necessary and urgent by the serious financial situation of Alitalia, as evidenced by the information disclosed to the market, to meet immediate cash requirements of the Company, which is essential for the continuity of normal business in the short term.
The criticality of the economic and financial situation is worse than expected by economic context and, in particular the very strong increase in the price of fuel has significantly impacted on the prospects for reduction of operational losses and maintaining liquidity necessaria.Si is a loan with market characteristics in the very short term from funds Treasury, which must be repaid within the current financial year (December 31, 2008) plus an interest rate to the extent provided for by specific guidelines.
The amount of the loan is strictly related to the objectives of the decree. The decree
published in the Official Journal of 24 April is currently before Parliament for the conversion into law
Urgent measures to ensure the secrecy of the casting of votes in elections and referendums
The legislation was passed in the vicinity of the elections that took place last April.
This measure aims to provide a response to the need, long felt by the political forces and citizens, to strengthen measures to protect the secrecy of the vote in the election and referendum. The availability and use at the mass level of telematics and information such as mobile phones with photographic devices make possible the control and the conditions for the right to vote.
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