Thursday, September 10, 2009

Hursthouse Virtue Theory And Abortion Summary

Nuova direttiva sui rifiuti. Interpretazione del termine "dissociazione".

With reference to my post August 26 , carry me to the interpretation that was provided by Parliament, with respect to term dissociation waste.

reply to his e-mail addressed to the Parliament (EP), with which it is hoped that the term dissociation waste contained in art. No 9 of the European 98, November 19, 2008, not concern the protection of a technology , but rather a practice current.
In fact, paragraph C) of Art. 9 says that the definition of targets for the prevention of waste and dissociation , are based on best practice available .
Article. 2 of Directive 96/61/EC of 24.9.1996 paragraph 11 , explicitly define "the best available techniques .
Here I commit the website where you will find that paragraph 11 in its entirety.
Equals erebbe then by reading the text mentioned that his fears are not unfounded in view that this is a technology .
In thanking you for the interest paid in respect of our institution, the Please accept my most cordial greetings. "
In fact, the address I was given, in paragraph 17 it is written that:

" 17 . Whereas emission limit values, parameters or technical measures must based on best available techniques, without prescribing the use of a technique or specific technology , taking into consideration the technical characteristics of the installation concerned, its geographical location and local environmental conditions, however, that the conditions of the permit shall contain measures to minimize the long-distance or transboundary pollution and ensure a high level of environmental protection as a whole, "

It 's always very complex, the comparison, on these issues.


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