Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Laundromats On Upper East Side

Somewhere over the Rainbow Planet

Raffaele Iannuzzi

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. Year 1939. Millennia ago and seem, however, is still our soul. On 12 August was the 71th birthday of this great mythography of our civilization, our inner world. It 'also the birthday of the superb soundtrack, Somewhere over the Rainbow, also known simply as Over the Rainbow. Download it from YouTube, it's worth. "The most beautiful song of the last 70-80 years, so has called in from a gig before playing it. "It 's a crazy night, beccatevi the most beautiful song of the last 70-80 years." Oh yeah, Lucio, sure, that's so!. Download the videos found on the site http://www.ilsussidiario.net/ . In addition to reading the important texts that are the setting for this event. You will find that this song of incomparable beauty, had versions of blues with Clapton, and improvised-virtuoso with the great Keith Jarrett. Passing by Ella Fitzgerald and Frank Sinatra, The Voice . Everything comes from the fabulous voice of Judy Garland. A voice with that song, showed a tangible way of salvation to men, so watched a musical and theatrical critic of the time. "His" song, which, until the Finally, he scored on his journey, his heaven and his hell, but always on his journey. His vocation, because the vocation of each of us is marked by words that lead away. The Wizard of Oz is an immortal fairy tale, which opens the heart to the Infinite, the Journey, to the Divine through the heart of us all. Benedict XVI has dubbed our age sconquassi ups and downs as the chance to reach the "modern interior."

So, yes, yes. Somewhere over the Rainbow. With this ending, which is a challenge: "Why can not I?". "Why can not I? Why can not I?". But is it really impossible?. Wonderful page on her in the great book di James Hillman, Codice dell'anima (Adelphi). Leggetelo, ne trarrete gioia interiore. Modernità interiore. I sogni da custodire, da trovare nella propria anima e in quella degli altri. "Perché a me no?". E perché no?.

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No Guru

Sunday, September 26, 2010

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The last sermon of Father Popieluszko

Omelia pronunciata da p. Jerzy Popieluszko during the Holy Mass celebrated in Bydgoszcz

few hours before being killed by two police officers and was thrown into the lake of Wloclawek tied to a sack full of stones. His words weigh much more than the stones ...

October 19, 1984 [1]

"We must live life with dignity because we have only one. Today, it is necessary to talk much about the dignity of man to become aware that the man above all that can exist in the world except for God's wisdom over the world. Safeguard the dignity to make greater good and overcome evil.

safeguard the dignity to make greater good and overcome evil, that is, orient your life to justice.

Justice is the fruit of truth and love. The more truth and love in humans, there is more justice. Justice must go hand in hand with love, because without love, can not be fully correct. Where love and miss the good in their place came the hatred and violence, and we shall be guided by hatred and violence is not possible to speak of justice.

Overcoming evil with good, ie, maintain fidelity to the truth. The truth is a very sensitive property of our intelligence.

The desire for truth has been instilled in man by God himself, why does man have a natural desire for truth and rejection of the lie.

The truth, like justice, is linked to love, love is expensive. A true love is capable of sacrifice and therefore the truth must cost. The truth always puts together the men.

But overcome evil with good, we must guard the virtue of courage. The virtue of courage is the victory over human weakness, especially fear. The Christian must not forget that you should fear only to betray Christ for thirty pieces of silver a mean peace of mind. The Christian can not be content only to reject the evil, lying, cowardice, violence, hatred, abuse of power, but he must be a true witness, a spokesman for and defender of justice, goodness, truth, freedom and love. It must boldly assert these values \u200b\u200bfor themselves and for others. "

[1] some Polish friends in Warsaw in September, they told me that this is not an actual sermon, but a comment made during the recitation of the Rosary (d. Max).

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Reset Bosch Dishwasher

The products are bio-

(Giuseppe Pontiggia 09/25/1934 - 27/06/2003)

Raffaele Iannuzzi

God bless the trains, despite Moretti, the CEO of Trenitalia. The Regional then - apart from the toilets, in fact, a vintage-style latrine - is a miracle that redeems the minus habentes , Moretti are not superstars, but where they can travel like rockets and take the slash, the moral of the story : arrive on time, we spoil you with comfortable individual seats, where you can read, study, writing. Living alone with others. Here, the trains I have read many books and many essays. I have to train the miracle of a meeting with that classic and that poet, philosopher, and with that that other crazy trainer catch me for two hours or so. So we want from Rome Termini to Chiusi-Chianciano, my last stop. I have already said that he had met this doctor, but I did not say the miraculous advent of the revelation of a writing so clear and precise to seduce me completely. A small book by Giuseppe Pontiggia, writer and essayist giant, a classic, yet too few readers have tasted, but it's worth. Title: The Sands properties , Oscar Mondadori, 2007. An inlay of aphorisms, ideas and suggestions, sharpness and gaiety absorbed in contemplation of a passive melancholy that saves the vibration of genuine thought. But these forces do not want to talk about beauty, but the biography of Joseph Pontiggia. He was born September 25, 1934 in Como (we're almost there, then ...), the third son in a family Italian bourgeois and austere, with a strong ethical foundation. The father is killed by the partisans, who shot him in the house for an error, they will say later. No comment. Precocious talent: a 9 years begins to Salgari a novel, reads like crazy, wants to become a chess champion, begins the novel in 1952 Death in the bank, reads and understands all, an avid bibliophile, a eorotomane paper, I recognize in him, how many sandwiches and waivers to the restaurant for having emptied the purse in the library, the paper first and then the golden meal. From the work of Pontiggia come out, in Ancelin and an association with the magazine "Verri, the Italian neoavanguardia. It deals with narrative technique and calibrate the use of words as an entomologist soul. Elena's sister commits suicide, he, already an agnostic, he began to suffer the pain of living. But the man is strong, large tonnage, not only physical, and versatile. In 1986, he teaches courses for managers on "How to communicate effectively and clearly." Other conversations to take place on writing Rai2. Nietzsche receives the award. In 2000, he wrote Born Twice : a masterpiece and a triumph of sales and recognition. He died in 2003, is today one of the illustrious men of letters and the nation. Why this sequence of facts, figures, objects, works, comments? Why read the biography of Pontiggia at the end of the text, I opened the brain on one thing: every biography, famous or not, is a bio-graphy. Picture, a picture of life as a whole. A universal in the particular. All in the fragment. Drop It do ocean of meanings and feelings. Design life. To find yourself, you need to know about himself, his biography, but with the emphasis on bio-graphy, with the accent on the first and / or the second factor. Depending on the time or the storm that is going through. Raffaele Iannuzzi

Friday, September 24, 2010

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Two to three spellings, finding the 'One

Leonardo Fraternale
Pellai was really late tonight, (but it is always), when I began to jot down notes. How would the Friend Raffaele, affect the matter with the pen. Further to our telephone conversations (and believe me when I tell you that are long ...), I started to develop thoughts on what we see, hear and what we have been taught. Something does not come back! But what? How long have we heard repeated ".. a future full of promise ...", or," if you want it, get it now. "
cabbage, but it does not work, can not work!
Divide, oppose this (now) and future (soon), and operations by uomo perché significa manifestare un'identità unitaria che semplicemente non abbiamo, in quanto nati duali: in questo mondo tutto é 2 (alcuni 2 sono in contrapposizione, altri in consonanza). Agire come se si fosse unitari é non solo sbagliato, ma diabolico. Se infatti penso solo "all'adesso", elimino la parte futuribile, viceversa aspettare il domani, elimina il presente. E' attraverso la febbre che abbiamo (quando l'abbiamo) che staremo meglio domani (ma il processo inizia proprio quando si sta male), non dopo. Il grande inganno del tempo nostro é stato proprio dirci, inculcarci queste malefiche parole "un futuro migliore". Cazzate. E' il presente a doversi spalancare "al meglio", perché il domani non lo know, there is no, not yet. If we look at in this perspective and conceive unfolds in us a new way of seeing things: no longer oppose the day to the next, but find the relationship that exists between them. Here are the two becomes three: the present or the future, the report (combining). A perfect 3 which leads to a revelation, even to a re-discovery of 'One that attention, we could never be, or become, but by whom we are acting out. I'll be by chance, or maybe not that the Bible begins with the 2 ... I know, I have not told the catechism, but there it is! The first letter is the original "Beth" (the second letter of the Hebrew) from Bereshit, to indicate that the creation was on a two-fold: spiritual and material, that we were and why we are, but if you relate the two, we find the three. P assiamo from " duel" to " duo ": the better tomorrow and there can exist if and only if I have already started to make it happen now. There is no proxy, nor we, nor anybody else has to happen now and not enough. It must always be the case, in everything I do and think and invest every single moment of my life, whether working or emotional, is at rest or at work. Tomorrow is another day you, but if we want today is not replication, and hinges on putting all this together. We mix and fill his ears with slogans such as "live the present" good, good, encore! But we're not immanent? We are full of "future" around, everybody talks about it: there is no sin if we ask them not to vote (for their future).
"We expect the Universality" is not a phrase thrown by chance: we were made for this and we have forgotten or too "today" or too "tomorrow." et - et: the key is this. After a night to jot down notes, this morning, while I was writing this blog on the sentence in bold, Raffaele (which could not have seen it yet), after a long series of assumptions I mentioned it: you understand. He tells me the phone, "We demand the universal." Friends, here there is no science or logic. E 'else to act through us. And when you find the right relationship, there's the wonder, the things that amazes and the heart is as good as when we were children. There is no dividing line between today and tomorrow, but a constant relationship that allows you to "be" in flux. Do not contradict each other right things: Have you ever seen a doctor that a broken leg in plaster, it is said a friend of immobility? Search ristabilre a balance and does so without restraint, not gradually, if needed, t'immobilizza. Moderation in trying to erase us, this 3: Yes, you must have the courage to break patterns and structures and take the blow. But life is a gift fattoci in Grazia e vale la pena viverla! Cosa desidero dunque Amici?
"Pretendo l' Universalità"

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Days Of The Week Boxer Shorts Men

The education of "young" and adolescents: on the archetypes and against the "youth culture"

di Raffaele Iannuzzi

Smonto subito, preliminarmente, un paio di ideologie morte e mortifere, segni oggettivi di una cultura della morte del pensiero.
Prima ideologia: i “Giovani”, con la maiuscola, una bella invenzione sociologica, buona a costruire carriere e montare l’industria culturale, ma niente più. Non esistono i “giovani”, There are periods throughout life, I call on the basis of an educational tradition and archetypal-mythical-religious initiations: therefore, the critical stage of 'initiation into adulthood, so that this problem is, that has become problematic. Problem is something that lies before us, as indicated by the 'etymology. But teenagers are a side issue, specific, concrete, that can not be subsumed to the sociological macro category of "young". Therefore, we find the paths of initiation, and then attach this to the archetypes defined and concrete reality.
Second ideology: the "youth culture". Even worse. This is a mindset imposto dalla subcultura dominante e nichilistica. Cos’è la “cultura giovanile”? Nessuno sa spiegarlo. Solo gli schemi – appunto – possono ricomprenderla in un vissuto che, poi, è ritradotto in altri schemi. La spirale del pensiero senza più accesso alla verità e sconfitto di fronte alla realtà concreta dei singoli, degli in-dividui, delle persone, nella loro trama relazionale.

Tutto ciò smontato, veniamo all’oggetto del mio intervento. Il mio intento è leggere l’esperienza degli adolescenti, in primo luogo, e dei giovani – nel senso meramente cronologico -, in termini di iniziazione e di archetipi. Ovvero, di structures and "generative imprinting (Roye Fraser) (1).
To do this, I use the power of cinema, images brutally compelling, capable of breaking the "inside" of schematization and reopen a new course of reading and vision of things.

Development theme

first film to be analyzed, to extract video from YouTube (2): "Fight Club".
The board and the film's plot, in brief. Fight Club is a 1999 film directed by David Fincher, based on the novel by Chuck Palahniuk. The film offers a highly critical vision of consumerism and alienation of modern man.
The protagonist (Edward Norton), consultant of the insurance business of a major car manufacturer, is the prototypical yuppie frustrated by modern life: sleepless, anxious, dazed by jet lag . You know well that the jet lag (often referred to as "bad time") or dysrhythmia , discronia or even disincronosi circadian, is a disorder that occurs when crossing time zones, as in the case of a long flight. In these cases - at their destination - you are drowsy, tired, or confused. The phenomenon occurs because of alteration of the normal circadian rhythms. It 'been a high symbolic value: the man stunned the postmodern world, free of internal and external orientation and stabilization, with no physical basis ("grounding") and interior. The man on the run but with no way out, far beyond man poised descrittoda other American novelists such as Scott Fitzgerald or, later, Saul Bellow. We are well: here the ego is disintegrated and no longer responds to stimuli and emotional body, dead alive. So is the protagonist. He is attending only an apparent calm listening groups for people with incurable diseases. Because the terminal state to be the best in its existence of zombies, the dead man walking of dead-than-walking. In this way also meets Marla Singer, who pretends to like him to have serious problems even to meet people and enjoy a free cup of coffee. A world of parasites and freeloaders out of the social life and all liability in respect of themselves and others. Finished all, there is only the ego that survives as it may, those who support the terminally ill, and others to other people's money. The in-social nature of collective nihilism has become the lifestyle of mass.
During his business trips, the main character gets to know Tyler Durden (Brad Pitt a formidable), an original and unconventional producer and marketer of soap. One day he returned from work, the protagonist discovers that his house was destroyed in an explosion caused by a gas leak. Another Symbol: everything explodes, waiting for the big explosion, the Great Crash. In desperation, he recalled the bizarre and Tyler decided to meet him again. Thus was born a great friendship, so that Durden lo ospiterà nella sua casa fatiscente. Un’amicizia dai toni gotici, dominata dalla personalità di guru nietzschiano di Tyler, con l’altro a recitare il copione del discepolo da iniziare. A questo punto, Durden lo coinvolge nella nascita del
Fight Club , un circolo segreto i cui appartenenti prendono parte a violenti combattimenti tra loro. I due, pian piano, entrano in simbiosi e radunano nuovi e numerosi adepti. In breve tempo, quello che era un circolo di combattimenti clandestini si trasforma in un ritrovo di uomini alienati e insoddisfatti, pronti a combattere fino alla morte pur di rovesciare ciò che considerano il loro nemico giurato: l'attuale disumana società, che trova la its highest expression in the 'American way of life. " Not only that ready to do anything to "re-identify" as individuals, to refocus as a conscious individual, after the pounding that produced the darkening of mind and will. Resurfaces the warrior spirit, with its dark ancestral inspiration, to bring awareness to the home of the self: through war, brutal fight, with tribal rituals, one begins to esseres and themselves, they struggle for survival and for this, for something thin and adherent to the carnal life, or abstract and distant from the self. Such a project to address clear-Nietzsche-heroic warrior, culminating in the creation of a group subversive and in the conception of an imaginary Project Mayhem -style eco-terrorist. The Madness of Tyler, but at this point, it becomes uncontrollable, and so the main character in an attempt to stop him, he discovers the great mystery that lurks in the life of Tyler.

takes these elements to immediately grasp that it is not vulgar nihilism and the Vulgate. There is very much in this film. It has to do with the positive and active nihilism of Nietzsche (The Antichrist See and compassionate God vs. weak). In this film, is, therefore, concerned the life and death, survival and acceptance of pain and suffering as cathartic rite of initiation into life as a legend and myth-making-mythography (the symbolic existence as an adventure and journey of the hero, even in the darkness, hero) without honors the life of Superman, nor glory, here conceived as the self that comes into awareness. In short: the Self, in Jungian and post-Jungians. Life is a flow, not fluid, rites of initiation, a complex and shapeless magma of initiation rites. We are born, we grow, we move from-to, childhood-adolescence-youth-maturity. The fathers had, at one time, the task of initiating the "man cub" to life, but there are still fathers in this society? E 'to read carefully the production of Claudio Rise and loot the site www.maschiselvatici.it .
not enough. Violence is to violate something, a sacred reality, then face the violence is part of initiation, of the clash with the holy, to escape the scontatezza and make them his friends, fellow traveler. In violence, there is the sacred embedded (See René Girard, Violence and the Sacred (1972), tr. Com. Adelphi, Milan, 1992).
confrontation, defense, individuals: they are plain sacral, religious.
But - here is the crux, scrapped, the turning point - Jesus is the Great Initiator: "I am the VIA , the Truth and the Life . And the life there, because there is an EIA, he is, to form the passage, the "Bridge", as we read in Dialogue of Divine Providence of St. Catherine of Siena).
pinpoint some key questions. Take the violence of teenagers, well, because it starts so young, sempre più giovani? Non sarà l’ansia, bruciante e sradicante, di avere una vera iniziazione? Fight Club è un film pugno nello stomaco, ma non un capolavoro: allora, perché è diventato un cult?
Ancora: la lingua nuda, scarna, del film e del nichilismo attivo, in questo caso, dice il re è nudo, senza avverbialità, non ha bisogno di rafforzativi, è se stessa, come dovremmo essere noi: il rischio di essere noi stessi fino in fondo, di porci per opporci, come diceva Maritain. Allora, se ci pensiamo bene, l’ individuazione in senso pieno è la cifra religiosa; Gesù ha costituito la dinamica, anzi created it, the dynamics of the individual (test: because we are afraid of the word "in-ecutions?). Some personality traits of Jesus, the language of bare, dry, rocky, like the Semitic jew blasphemer and subversive to the rabbis of the time, "Rabbi," the guardians of the dead time, living without religion and faith in God
Again, the constant sparigliamento cards from Jesus: "Only God is good," when the rich young man calls him "Good Teacher." As if to say: Look, here there is no goodness, no kindness in this world dominated by Satan, is the atmosphere of Fight Club to dominate without God, without faith in Him
reflect on Jesus' words to the great perfectionist and hypocritical (from UPO-Krino , think low, not has self-awareness, the hypocrite is a "low-thought, a thinker, bass, mediocre, without high horizons, an" a-theoretical "in an objective sense, because only with God and think you can fly high, who denies that he thinks and fly low), the rich young man: "Why call me good? Only God is good. "

According film Matrix .

Matrix is \u200b\u200ba 1999 film written and directed by brothers Andy and Larry Wachowski. Oscar winner who has four. A cult and a must, as they say in the pop-postmodern newspeak.
The title derives from the Latin word matrix, matricis (literally translated into Italian as "mother" or "nurse", "matrix", "womb", "frame" and, broadly speaking, even with a "channel"). Arrays are also elements of type table from strutture matematiche, molto utilizzate nell'informatica per associare dati tra loro. Cos’è Matrix? Lo spiega Morpheus a Neo, nel famoso dialogo-clou del film: “Matrix è ovunque. E’ intorno a noi. Anche adesso, nella stanza in cui siamo. E’ quello che vedi quando ti affacci alla finestra, o quando accendi il televisore. L’avverti quando vai a lavoro, quando vai in chiesa, quando paghi le tasse. E’ il mondo che ti è stato messo davanti agli occhi per nasconderti la verità”. Qui c’è una buona dose di gnosticismo e di misticismo panteistico, un sincretismo suggestivo e affascinante per l’homo technologicus del nostro tempo, per noi, dunque.
At the dawn of the twenty-first century, the man gives birth IA : artificial intelligence, which enables you to design machines that can think. However, in an indeterminate future, the machines turn against the human species, and groped to combat them, men shall hide the sun (as it was by him that the machines drew their energy). The robots are able to find a alternative energy source: the man who could act as a battery because it produces many millions of calories. So it was that humanity was imprisoned by the engines in order to absorb the energy of life. That machine is a prison for the mind through brain impulses and a world built on the computer, people think they live freely in the world of the twentieth century. In reality what is in front of their eyes is the program - called Matrix - ie the virtual reality created by machines and housed in the same Source , a sort of server from the world of the Matrix begins. Only a few thousand people were released from the yoke of the Matrix, the control system of the brain that imprisons individuals: a system of electrical impulses sent to the human brain, creating the illusion of living in a world that now no longer exists by centinaia di anni. All'interno di Matrix la gente vive senza accorgersi minimamente della propria condizione di schiavitù. Soltanto pochissime persone si rendono conto che "qualcosa non va", percependo una sensazione di stranezza ed estraneità che non riescono a descrivere. Una di queste "imperfezioni del sistema" è Thomas Henderson (Keanu Reeves), conosciuto nell'ambiente degli hacker come "Neo". Gli hacker sono gli indisciplinati libertari per eccellenza, ergo i soggetti adatti a rovesciare il sistema inglobante di Matrix, almeno quando sono dotati della forza degli eletti gnostici, i Sapienti, secondo lo schema gnostico di Valentino, il grande sistematizzatore teologico dell’eresia gnostica. Convinti che Neo sia "l'Eletto" - who will be able to restore freedom to the human species - a group of humans belonging to the Resistance, among which the figure of Morpheus , the captain of the warship Nebuchadnezzar , contacted him, convincing him to exit the Matrix and to be reported - after a kind of awakening from the state of larva in which the sensations were projected only in his mind - in the true reality. Here, Neo discovers that, in the real world, the man is literally "grown" by machines. The reality, as Wilde, beyond imagination. Neo will become gradually aware of their exceptional qualities, becoming increasingly able to contravene the rules of the Matrix, acquiring powers equal to or even higher than those of a program of the Matrix. Neo meets a lot of software. In each Matrix program, as such, has its own purpose and, when not fulfilled, it is destroyed. For example, the Oracle, a software with the features of a woman who's goal is to unbalance the equation and its opposite, "the architect" (the creator of the Matrix), attempts to balance. Through a virtual death at the hands of Agent Smith, one of the programs that have the task of eliminating the "imperfections", and his subsequent "resurrection" thanks love blossomed with Trinity (Trinità!), also a membro della Nabucodonosor, Neo prende finalmente coscienza di essere stato scelto per liberare l'umanità dal giogo delle macchine, sconfiggendo gli agenti e riportando la speranza. Nel dialogo tra l'agente Smith e Morpheus, che è stato sequestrato e drogato perché riveli con la forza i codici di accesso al mainframe di Zion, chiari riferimenti vengono fatti anche al tema dell'evoluzione, della lotta fra specie differenti (Darwinismo sia in senso naturalistico che sociale) e della creazione di un equilibrio naturale fra le specie all'interno di un ecosistema. Preponderante è poi il concetto di singolarità tecnologica. Quest'ultimo è un punto critico di accelerazione dell'iter nella scala dell'evoluzione tecnologica della razza umana in which machines they gain awareness of themselves and become self-sufficient, independent, breaking away from their owners and can self-program, to repair themselves and to govern themselves, deciding for themselves their own destiny and their lives, in contrast with those of humans who created them. The concept of freedom, choice, self-determination and the fight against the established power that stifles free will and personal creativity in the film are then displayed in a strictly complies with the hacker ethic, in which the film itself is a valuable contribution. Finally, there are also references to transhumanism , aimed at capacity building umane sia a livello fisico che mentale e cognitivo.
Qui ci troviamo – dialogo Morpheus/Neo – nel cuore della scelta: la verità. Pillola rossa-pillola blu. Neo sceglierà la rossa e rischierà. Quanto facciamo rischiare, mettendoci la faccia e il corpo, i nostri ragazzi? Il rischio: cos’è mai una società, una comunità il mondo, senza rischio? Senza intraprendenza votata alla scelta della verità, delle cose autentiche, vere, appunto: rischiose.

I due sono, alla fine, sapienti gnostici, si rispecchiano (il volto di Neo sugli occhiali a specchio di Morpheus), ma proprio allora comincia il Viaggio. Un’altra Once again: The Hero's Journey, the Hero's Journey, by Joseph Campbell. It 'important to read and meditate upon his great work The Hero With a Thousand Faces (3), published in Italy by Bloomsbury Publishing. Campbell was a consultant for Lucas, the director of "Star Wars". Another hook to examine these crucial issues for e-ducere, the tear out out of our guys the best. What they choose to give themselves and the world. To give to the world, to others. Without inner strength and awareness, the gift is false, hypo-crit, in the sense described above. By force, witnesses and construction in contact with others. The con-tact dono.

Seguiamo i ragazzi tenendoli per mano e, insieme, abbracciandoli, senza trascurare di rilanciare la questione della scelta e della responsabilità (respondeo, rispondere: alla vita, dire sì alla vita(3) ).

In entrambi i film, emergono gli archetipi costitutivi, strutturali della vita come tale. I “giovani” sono uomini, dunque sentono e vivono questi archetipi: il Guerriero; il Sapiente; l’Uomo che sceglie: legati ai grandi temi della guerra, del combattimento, per sopravvivere ed affermarsi come individualità; della sapienza da eleggere come guida; della libertà da conquistare, in the life and history.

close with the "balconing Hero." The "balconing" is a gesture that leads to crazy people, even adults, to throw down, to assert a quid dark and gloomy heroism. Well, I reverse this delusion in affirmation of inner strength and power: for-Jaguar-Paw in "Apocalypto" is launched from the top of a mountain, to escape his enemies, who chase him. They are also the enemies of his people, his tribe, defeated and subdued. Everything is against him alone, on the run, hunted by armed men, and hateful. But he jumps, is the last chance to get safe, that is its home, its forest, its forest, the home of the original archetype. Breathe deeply from the abdomen, as you do when you meditate, it is his meditation, his "yes" to life, its strength in the game ... and jump! A jump crazy, you would not believe the plaintiff did not stunt-man, an unparalleled heroism, too, in direct: right first time, of course. Here, the "balòconing Hero." Coupling to another part of the falls, there is a new world and old, is new, that world, rediscovered in the drama of the struggle for survival, but it is his world. Jaguar Paw-of-the cries of his enemies: "I Jaguar Paw-to-be, this is my forest. My Father and the Father of my Father have hunted here. I have hunted here, and here they will drive out the children and my children's children, as long as I am alive. I have Jaguar Paw-di-.... " Say no more, here is everything. We pray to God and work to ensure that our youth, our students and our daughter have the courage: "I am Jaguar Paw-di-."
A quote by Knut Hamsun, the great Norwegian writer, Nobel Prize in 1920: "The place you come from is always sweet, is patriotism on a small scale, is the feeling of Home."

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Can You Beat The Scram Bracelet

Down ... a place that is not there! (Part Two)

Part Two

Remember Jannacci in an old song? "He told the news ...", then it is true. It matters little that shit is huge (will denial) that the / journalist reads like a parrot what is passed by its director, (but you pierce the video, listening to), give a damn if there is anyone that Tg gossip are e. .. nothing else.
policy today are here and those others who maybe non vediamo subito (perché la politica parrebbe non c'entrarci niente), ma sul “chiacchiericcio” possono costruire e/o demolire una carriera (non faccio nomi, ma avete capito no?).
Da ragazzo la Politica era impossibile non farla, foss'anche per motivi sbagliati (tipo: o di qua o di là), ma se ne subiva il fascino, credevamo potesse essere strumento di indirizzo di una comunità, Comune o Stato, nel micro e nel macro, non aveva importanza.
Ti ciucciavi le tribune politiche perché il Babbo, a casa, non cambiava canale e si incazzava di brutto if he tries to escape in the room: "Here lies, he speaks of you too." Did not understand well what language a bit 'strange convergence of parallel, governments of non-confidence, but something came. You might not like what you saw, what they were saying, but in the hope that (not really at all, but almost). None of us, believe me, would have thought to call the Prime Minister by name, ever, let alone devote a hymn.
When we saw the services from Moscow or China, and moved with the crowds cheering, we were told "that stuff is called the cult of personality": a kind of anathema fired up the neo-pagan .
It was, as now, pro or against the Church, the Church, but we hardly built on top of an existential paradigm (to the limit they gave you the baciapile eat or priests), but it ended there, travel on all squares, the phrase "Religion is the opium of the people", but if your friend went to Mass on Sunday, waiting for him outside. We respect the sacred, even those who said no. I had an uncle, Medal of the Resistance who always told me that the human being in its maximum pain in his mouth two words "God, or Mother," and added that the people curse, because, after all, a little ' We also believe them.
We were better than us? No, I do not. We were different, without the other substance, because that kind of sucked milk that kept everything inside: the '68 and his post, the utopian anarchy and order, a sense of fatherland and its negation: curious to know where was our way, eager to take the bull by the horns to see how it would end.
But concrete? What have we done? Like all generations of the middle (between paintings in color and black and white TV only between public and private TV only, between traditional value systems and the deconstruction of the same), we clinging vine that there was the first date. In absolute confusion between what had been ours and what we would have been us, we thought the only certainty granite: the ego!. The self as a man, I like the profession, I as a career, seeking in things immediate satisfaction: this is what was touted as "freedom." We have started a movement "made in Italy" that has touched everyone that has penetrated into all that now reveals his diabolical: the movement of clever, code-named "Fuck them other people." But watch out, we have adhered to this beautiful blanket, we could say no, but we did not. We were, I said, a generazione di mezzo, mentre quelle successive non lo erano più e di scelte non se ne parla. Gli abbiamo servito un piatto già cotto ed un mondo interamente da ricostruire, ma accidenti, a chi ci rivolgiamo falsamente per rimettere a posto le cose? Ai giovani: eh già, proprio a coloro ai quali non abbiamo dato scelta (pareva fosse così, ma non é vero). E ci lamentiamo che non leggono? Che non hanno un'idea portante per la loro vita? Che hanno spento l'interruttore della “critica”?. Ma suvvia! Non prendiamoli per il culo. Che strumenti gli diamo per portaci fuori dalle secche? Internet? Ma davvero? E allora perché non c'è la banda larga (quella vera) e in ogni luogo? Gli abbiamo dato un sistema educativo pregno di “quell'insegnamento” che dovrebbe lasciare per l'appunto, il segno? Non ridete, lo so. Però gli abbiamo dato il cinema 3D, i tv lcd, a led, telefonini coi quali scambiarsi sms (mica parlare), videocam (per fare sesso virtuale), il digitale-analogico (chiedete ad un sedicenne che cazzo vuol dire...) e tanti Totti, Ibra, Ronaldo! Divertitevi raga, fatelo ora che é meglio. Gli facciamo vedere tanta bella gnocca, a tutte le ore, in tutte le salse e fisici da paura, articoli da comprare per avere quel fisico, shopping via web, via tele, via cavo. Ci credo che si sballano: lo farei anch'io. Dove sono tutte quelle strafighe? E il mio Mulino Bianco, dov'è? Lo vogliono. Glielo abbiamo promesso (fatto understood). Knocking on our doors and do not know what the hell is a global financial crisis: how could they, given that we did? We should have the courage to ask them an excuse not to ask for votes, " girls, guys, sorry, we did shit for over thirty years, but be merciful, we did not understand ... Now, please, put things right and spazzateci away, put in a corner, with a cover on the legs, a caress and let us not ask opinions, advice, opinion. These unfortunately have to look to yourselves, exits, streets, squares, connect, but my God, started to talk, exchange ideas, make a fist, but if you think you have seen us right do not stop screaming. Throw away the pills of happiness, throw things that are not needed, do not believe at the rate 0, stay away from the banks, indeed, close them all! There are no free things in our world, in yours, let us be. Counted on word of mouth to choose a book, movie, not on literary prizes, the jury: the ones we are. Abolish the reality (who invented them and those who participate, but do not understand or who can not do shit? That does not say anything?), Delete the televoting: we have taken the piss for years. You do not need someone to send ringtones and logos for your cell phone, you do yourself. There is no drink that takes away your thirst, you make it come: the ones we sell them to you. Not avete bisogno di facebook per far sapere come state, per quello ci sono gli Amici: chiamateli! So che pare impossibile ora, ma l'amicizia (quella con la A) é dentro i vostri cuori, siete vivi e siete fatti per essere amici di un amico. Non avete bisogno di cose per dire agli altri “io esisto”, non cercate qualcuno che vi tiri fuori dalla merda: quelli siamo noi. Fatelo da soli che non vuol dire in “solitario”: date fiducia a quelle persone che dicono una cosa, magari solo una e la fanno. Siate ciò che siete, diventate ciò che siete, tutto il resto non conta, tutto il resto, siamo noi!”

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Smelting Silverplate 2010

OGM e (M)OGM: il loro trasporto e le novità in arrivo

some time discussing the use, right or wrong, GMOs (genetically modified organisms) and (M) GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms).
These organisms are widely used both in agriculture and food industry. Speaking
, one can not help but consider the stage of "transmission" that directly involves the rules for international carriage of dangerous goods.

This is our first report about how
of road, rail and waterways (when they become regulated)


The 2009 edition of the ADR / RID / ADN provides:
- Genetically modified organisms and genetically modified organisms are assigned to Class 9 (UN 3245) if you do not meet the definition of infectious substance ( infectious substances can be assigned, as appropriate, to the UN numbers 2814, 2900 or 3373).
- Genetically modified organisms and genetically modified organisms, whether in class 9 and if authorized for their use by the competent authority of countries of origin, transit and destination, are exempt ADR / RID / ADN (Special Provision 637) .


With The new 2011 edition of ADR / RID / ADN (in force since January 1, 2011), regulation of transport (M) GMOs and changes, complications, as follows:

- Member (M) GMOs and GMOs may also be classified as toxic substances (class 6.1). (Special Provision 219).
- Member (M) GMOs and GMOs are not classified as toxic or infectious, may be transported in complete exemption only if they are packaged in accordance with the new packing instruction P904, which among other things, provides a special brand of affixed to the neck on the UN3245.

Our next project will be for the flight, with the first
new to the DGR 52!!!