Friday, September 24, 2010

Long Zippert Ladies Robe

Two to three spellings, finding the 'One

Leonardo Fraternale
Pellai was really late tonight, (but it is always), when I began to jot down notes. How would the Friend Raffaele, affect the matter with the pen. Further to our telephone conversations (and believe me when I tell you that are long ...), I started to develop thoughts on what we see, hear and what we have been taught. Something does not come back! But what? How long have we heard repeated ".. a future full of promise ...", or," if you want it, get it now. "
cabbage, but it does not work, can not work!
Divide, oppose this (now) and future (soon), and operations by uomo perché significa manifestare un'identità unitaria che semplicemente non abbiamo, in quanto nati duali: in questo mondo tutto é 2 (alcuni 2 sono in contrapposizione, altri in consonanza). Agire come se si fosse unitari é non solo sbagliato, ma diabolico. Se infatti penso solo "all'adesso", elimino la parte futuribile, viceversa aspettare il domani, elimina il presente. E' attraverso la febbre che abbiamo (quando l'abbiamo) che staremo meglio domani (ma il processo inizia proprio quando si sta male), non dopo. Il grande inganno del tempo nostro é stato proprio dirci, inculcarci queste malefiche parole "un futuro migliore". Cazzate. E' il presente a doversi spalancare "al meglio", perché il domani non lo know, there is no, not yet. If we look at in this perspective and conceive unfolds in us a new way of seeing things: no longer oppose the day to the next, but find the relationship that exists between them. Here are the two becomes three: the present or the future, the report (combining). A perfect 3 which leads to a revelation, even to a re-discovery of 'One that attention, we could never be, or become, but by whom we are acting out. I'll be by chance, or maybe not that the Bible begins with the 2 ... I know, I have not told the catechism, but there it is! The first letter is the original "Beth" (the second letter of the Hebrew) from Bereshit, to indicate that the creation was on a two-fold: spiritual and material, that we were and why we are, but if you relate the two, we find the three. P assiamo from " duel" to " duo ": the better tomorrow and there can exist if and only if I have already started to make it happen now. There is no proxy, nor we, nor anybody else has to happen now and not enough. It must always be the case, in everything I do and think and invest every single moment of my life, whether working or emotional, is at rest or at work. Tomorrow is another day you, but if we want today is not replication, and hinges on putting all this together. We mix and fill his ears with slogans such as "live the present" good, good, encore! But we're not immanent? We are full of "future" around, everybody talks about it: there is no sin if we ask them not to vote (for their future).
"We expect the Universality" is not a phrase thrown by chance: we were made for this and we have forgotten or too "today" or too "tomorrow." et - et: the key is this. After a night to jot down notes, this morning, while I was writing this blog on the sentence in bold, Raffaele (which could not have seen it yet), after a long series of assumptions I mentioned it: you understand. He tells me the phone, "We demand the universal." Friends, here there is no science or logic. E 'else to act through us. And when you find the right relationship, there's the wonder, the things that amazes and the heart is as good as when we were children. There is no dividing line between today and tomorrow, but a constant relationship that allows you to "be" in flux. Do not contradict each other right things: Have you ever seen a doctor that a broken leg in plaster, it is said a friend of immobility? Search ristabilre a balance and does so without restraint, not gradually, if needed, t'immobilizza. Moderation in trying to erase us, this 3: Yes, you must have the courage to break patterns and structures and take the blow. But life is a gift fattoci in Grazia e vale la pena viverla! Cosa desidero dunque Amici?
"Pretendo l' Universalità"


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