DAVOS – Gli altri leader europei vengono qui per “dare la linea” al World Economic Forum. In 48 ore si succedono a Davos Nicolas Sarkozy, David Cameron, Angela Merkel: espongono una visione dell´Europa, le loro recipes for recovery strategies toward America and emerging countries. To Italy in Davos touches a different role: that of the defendant. The collection of world leaders who meet in this summit - politicians, big businessmen, opinion leaders - our country's reserves to a closed session. Entitled "Italy, a special case." The meeting was well presented by the organizers in the introductory paper: "Despite its history, its cultural heritage, the strength of some sectors of its economy, the country has difficulties in governance and disproportionately small influence on the global stage. Its economic and social prospects appear negative. " A istruire il processo, l´establishment di Davos delega alcuni esperti e opinionisti autorevoli. Di fronte a loro, sul versante italiano, un parterre di imprenditori e banchieri. Nessun rappresentante di governo è all´appello: il ministro dell´Economia Giulio Tremonti, pur presente a Davos, fissa una conferenza stampa altrove, nello stesso orario. Tocca a Michael Elliott, direttore del magazine Time, aprire il fuoco: «Contate molto meno di quel che dovreste nell´economia internazionale, i problemi del vostro governo vi precludono di svolgere il ruolo che vi spetta». Segue l´economista Nouriel Roubini, una star di Davos da quando nel 2007 fu l´unico a prevedere con precisione la crisi mondiale: «Di solito parlo solo di economia ma nel vostro caso il problema del governo è diventato grave, è una vera distrazione che v´impedisce di fare quello che dovreste. Siete di fronte ad accuse di una vera e propria prostituzione di Stato, orge con minorenni, ostruzione alla giustizia. Avete un serio problema di leadership che blocca le riforme necessarie». Roubini dà atto sia a Tremonti che a Mario Draghi di avere limitato i danni sul fronte della finanza pubblica e del sistema bancario. «Ma un contagio della sfiducia dei mercati è ancora possibile – aggiunge – perché il divario è enorme tra le riforme strutturali di cui avete bisogno, e ciò che è stato fatto». Un altro economista, Daniel Gros che dirige a Bruxelles the Centre for European Policy Studies, warns against the illusion that Italy could long escape the fate of Greece, Portugal, Ireland: "Your situation is worrying. You are the country most directly in competition with China for the type of products. For ten years we know what reforms should be made. At this rate, Italy could become the next big problem in the euro. " Josef Joffe, publisher and director of the German newspaper Die Zeit: "For ten years, grow less than the average European, that is the problem number one." Following Matthew Bishop, bureau chief of the American weekly magazine The Economist, which in 1997 was the author of a report about our vetting entry "into the single currency:" Since then - he says - the country has been too immobile. The trends of the global economy are likely to transform the ring weak European Union. If Italy does not use the next five years for a real change, you will find yourself on the losing side in the euro. " Bishop then throws the ball in the Italians: "The serious crimes of which Silvio Berlusconi is accused are well known. But you're good anyway? And 'this is the government that you want? "The president of Confindustria Emma Marcegaglia to replicate underlines the strength of the manufacturing base remains important:" We are the second largest exporter in Europe behind Germany, fifth in the world, with peaks of excellence not only in traditional sectors, but in engineering, robotics, machinery electronics. " But she also describes an Italy 'introverted, inward-looking, distracted compared to what happens in the rest of the world, mainly because of its politicians. " It confirms that "the world of Davos, that of new powers like India and Indonesia, is unknown to our politicians, so we are absent from the tables where you decide the future." Corrado Passera of Intesa Bank lists disability: "School, infrastructure, justice, bureaucracy, low social mobility, little meritocracy." Even more critical voices are raised among our top manager who chose a career abroad. To them the world-Davos is familiar, in the new scenario of global competition and move with confidence. But I'm here on behalf of foreign multinationals.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Bosch Dishwasher That Leaves Dishes Filmy
There is silence and silence ...
DAVOS – Gli altri leader europei vengono qui per “dare la linea” al World Economic Forum. In 48 ore si succedono a Davos Nicolas Sarkozy, David Cameron, Angela Merkel: espongono una visione dell´Europa, le loro recipes for recovery strategies toward America and emerging countries. To Italy in Davos touches a different role: that of the defendant. The collection of world leaders who meet in this summit - politicians, big businessmen, opinion leaders - our country's reserves to a closed session. Entitled "Italy, a special case." The meeting was well presented by the organizers in the introductory paper: "Despite its history, its cultural heritage, the strength of some sectors of its economy, the country has difficulties in governance and disproportionately small influence on the global stage. Its economic and social prospects appear negative. " A istruire il processo, l´establishment di Davos delega alcuni esperti e opinionisti autorevoli. Di fronte a loro, sul versante italiano, un parterre di imprenditori e banchieri. Nessun rappresentante di governo è all´appello: il ministro dell´Economia Giulio Tremonti, pur presente a Davos, fissa una conferenza stampa altrove, nello stesso orario. Tocca a Michael Elliott, direttore del magazine Time, aprire il fuoco: «Contate molto meno di quel che dovreste nell´economia internazionale, i problemi del vostro governo vi precludono di svolgere il ruolo che vi spetta». Segue l´economista Nouriel Roubini, una star di Davos da quando nel 2007 fu l´unico a prevedere con precisione la crisi mondiale: «Di solito parlo solo di economia ma nel vostro caso il problema del governo è diventato grave, è una vera distrazione che v´impedisce di fare quello che dovreste. Siete di fronte ad accuse di una vera e propria prostituzione di Stato, orge con minorenni, ostruzione alla giustizia. Avete un serio problema di leadership che blocca le riforme necessarie». Roubini dà atto sia a Tremonti che a Mario Draghi di avere limitato i danni sul fronte della finanza pubblica e del sistema bancario. «Ma un contagio della sfiducia dei mercati è ancora possibile – aggiunge – perché il divario è enorme tra le riforme strutturali di cui avete bisogno, e ciò che è stato fatto». Un altro economista, Daniel Gros che dirige a Bruxelles the Centre for European Policy Studies, warns against the illusion that Italy could long escape the fate of Greece, Portugal, Ireland: "Your situation is worrying. You are the country most directly in competition with China for the type of products. For ten years we know what reforms should be made. At this rate, Italy could become the next big problem in the euro. " Josef Joffe, publisher and director of the German newspaper Die Zeit: "For ten years, grow less than the average European, that is the problem number one." Following Matthew Bishop, bureau chief of the American weekly magazine The Economist, which in 1997 was the author of a report about our vetting entry "into the single currency:" Since then - he says - the country has been too immobile. The trends of the global economy are likely to transform the ring weak European Union. If Italy does not use the next five years for a real change, you will find yourself on the losing side in the euro. " Bishop then throws the ball in the Italians: "The serious crimes of which Silvio Berlusconi is accused are well known. But you're good anyway? And 'this is the government that you want? "The president of Confindustria Emma Marcegaglia to replicate underlines the strength of the manufacturing base remains important:" We are the second largest exporter in Europe behind Germany, fifth in the world, with peaks of excellence not only in traditional sectors, but in engineering, robotics, machinery electronics. " But she also describes an Italy 'introverted, inward-looking, distracted compared to what happens in the rest of the world, mainly because of its politicians. " It confirms that "the world of Davos, that of new powers like India and Indonesia, is unknown to our politicians, so we are absent from the tables where you decide the future." Corrado Passera of Intesa Bank lists disability: "School, infrastructure, justice, bureaucracy, low social mobility, little meritocracy." Even more critical voices are raised among our top manager who chose a career abroad. To them the world-Davos is familiar, in the new scenario of global competition and move with confidence. But I'm here on behalf of foreign multinationals.
DAVOS – Gli altri leader europei vengono qui per “dare la linea” al World Economic Forum. In 48 ore si succedono a Davos Nicolas Sarkozy, David Cameron, Angela Merkel: espongono una visione dell´Europa, le loro recipes for recovery strategies toward America and emerging countries. To Italy in Davos touches a different role: that of the defendant. The collection of world leaders who meet in this summit - politicians, big businessmen, opinion leaders - our country's reserves to a closed session. Entitled "Italy, a special case." The meeting was well presented by the organizers in the introductory paper: "Despite its history, its cultural heritage, the strength of some sectors of its economy, the country has difficulties in governance and disproportionately small influence on the global stage. Its economic and social prospects appear negative. " A istruire il processo, l´establishment di Davos delega alcuni esperti e opinionisti autorevoli. Di fronte a loro, sul versante italiano, un parterre di imprenditori e banchieri. Nessun rappresentante di governo è all´appello: il ministro dell´Economia Giulio Tremonti, pur presente a Davos, fissa una conferenza stampa altrove, nello stesso orario. Tocca a Michael Elliott, direttore del magazine Time, aprire il fuoco: «Contate molto meno di quel che dovreste nell´economia internazionale, i problemi del vostro governo vi precludono di svolgere il ruolo che vi spetta». Segue l´economista Nouriel Roubini, una star di Davos da quando nel 2007 fu l´unico a prevedere con precisione la crisi mondiale: «Di solito parlo solo di economia ma nel vostro caso il problema del governo è diventato grave, è una vera distrazione che v´impedisce di fare quello che dovreste. Siete di fronte ad accuse di una vera e propria prostituzione di Stato, orge con minorenni, ostruzione alla giustizia. Avete un serio problema di leadership che blocca le riforme necessarie». Roubini dà atto sia a Tremonti che a Mario Draghi di avere limitato i danni sul fronte della finanza pubblica e del sistema bancario. «Ma un contagio della sfiducia dei mercati è ancora possibile – aggiunge – perché il divario è enorme tra le riforme strutturali di cui avete bisogno, e ciò che è stato fatto». Un altro economista, Daniel Gros che dirige a Bruxelles the Centre for European Policy Studies, warns against the illusion that Italy could long escape the fate of Greece, Portugal, Ireland: "Your situation is worrying. You are the country most directly in competition with China for the type of products. For ten years we know what reforms should be made. At this rate, Italy could become the next big problem in the euro. " Josef Joffe, publisher and director of the German newspaper Die Zeit: "For ten years, grow less than the average European, that is the problem number one." Following Matthew Bishop, bureau chief of the American weekly magazine The Economist, which in 1997 was the author of a report about our vetting entry "into the single currency:" Since then - he says - the country has been too immobile. The trends of the global economy are likely to transform the ring weak European Union. If Italy does not use the next five years for a real change, you will find yourself on the losing side in the euro. " Bishop then throws the ball in the Italians: "The serious crimes of which Silvio Berlusconi is accused are well known. But you're good anyway? And 'this is the government that you want? "The president of Confindustria Emma Marcegaglia to replicate underlines the strength of the manufacturing base remains important:" We are the second largest exporter in Europe behind Germany, fifth in the world, with peaks of excellence not only in traditional sectors, but in engineering, robotics, machinery electronics. " But she also describes an Italy 'introverted, inward-looking, distracted compared to what happens in the rest of the world, mainly because of its politicians. " It confirms that "the world of Davos, that of new powers like India and Indonesia, is unknown to our politicians, so we are absent from the tables where you decide the future." Corrado Passera of Intesa Bank lists disability: "School, infrastructure, justice, bureaucracy, low social mobility, little meritocracy." Even more critical voices are raised among our top manager who chose a career abroad. To them the world-Davos is familiar, in the new scenario of global competition and move with confidence. But I'm here on behalf of foreign multinationals.
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