Saturday, February 26, 2011

Printing Gmail Header

The 1000 and an extension ...

of Tito Boeri and Giuseppe Pisauro ( 25/02/2011)

The " Milleproroghe " is a creature of the new millennium. The first measure commonly referred to by this name is Decree-Law No 30 December 2005 273. A successful innovation, which has become a tradition: on time, every New Year is presented a new decree on the "Extension of deadlines set by laws." For New Year's Eve Milleproroghe plus those adopted at the change of term: it the Decree No. 73, May 12, 2006 and Decree No. 113 of 30 June 2008. In short, the decree into question these days is already the eighth specimen of the species.
The very fact that each year it is necessary to hasten to issue a decree with hundreds of sub-paragraphs (see list below) to extend deadlines already set by previous laws is indicative of the malfunctioning of the state: no commitments unable to comply on time and you ask for a referral, readily granted. Indeed, it is perhaps an indicator of national character: often the court does not so much about the tasks of As rules for citizens , abusive homes by the fall of the banning of plastic bags for shopping. This partly explains why, in general, throughout the conversion law in the decree, the proposed extensions were added by the government suggested by several other MPs: given that the measure must be approved before then by default, the temptation to insert between the measures more diverse and strong. It is an inexpensive way to meet the demands of lobbies and interest groups.
This year is no exaggeration: the President of the Republic in its letter of 22 February states that "a The amendments made by Senate committees and the Government with the next maxi-amendment, the original text of the decree-law, consisting of 4 items (of which one third on the financial security and the fourth entry into force) and 25 paragraphs, 5 other items were added and 196 paragraphs. From 25 to 221 paragraphs, an increase of almost ten times.
to look good, there is a novelty that explains what happened: the reform of budgetary procedures passed in late 2009. One of the key points of this reform is the new Law of stability, more streamlined the old Budget Law. In particular, the specific content of the Law of Stability non compaiono più “norme che comportano aumenti di spesa o riduzioni di entrata ed il cui contenuto sia finalizzato direttamente al sostegno o al rilancio dell'economia” (che invece rientravano nel contenuto della Legge finanziaria). Se si tiene a mente questa novità, si capisce come non sia casuale che nel titolo del Milleproroghe di dicembre 2010 oltre alla solita “proroga di termini previsti da disposizioni legislative” compaiano “interventi urgenti in materia tributaria e di sostegno alle famiglie e alle imprese”. E si comprende bene l’invito del Presidente della Repubblica a evitare che il Milleproroghe “si trasformi sostanzialmente in una sorta di nuova legge finanziaria dai contenuti più disparate. "
The call of the President is particularly relevant because the Milleproroghe actually contains many new rules and not mere extensions of existing treatments. New rules that in some cases radically change the economic policy guidelines. Here are some examples:
Article 2-c, paragraph 1, provides that in municipalities with more than 250 thousand inhabitants is "an experimentation in favor of charitable organizations" in the management of social card the last twelve months. The technical report accompanying the measure is more precise about what you intend to do, "the rule identifies as the beneficial not the final recipient of the card, but the association is committed to distribute it. " In other words, the state will give the card to buy an unspecified " charitable organizations" and the latter will have to decide who to social card and who is not, by subtracting this to the service performance of municipalities. It is a revolution in the management of welfare. Instead of giving money directly to the poor, the state will give them "charitable organizations".
Article 2-sexies, paragraph 1 and following, provides that the tax on asset management happen in head to the subscriber, rather than the bottom, at the time of implementation. It is a real reform that eases further taxation of financial income as noted on the site .
Article 2, paragraph 4-Ii, takes resources to broadband access (30 million in funding already planned and approved by CIPE). To be devoted to digital (which cost rises obviously).
Article 2, paragraph 17-g provides that Italian post office may constitute a heritage for the pursuit of counter-mail, separate from the traditional postal activities. For some time the banks complain about the unfair competition of the Italian Post Office, which are given more tools to expand.
L’articolo 2, comma 17-duoddecies, sostiene che, ai fini delle legge che istituisce la Banca del Mezzogiorno, Poste possa “acquistare partecipazioni, anche di controllo, nel capitale di banche”.
Come si vede non si tratta di proroghe, ma di cambiamenti normativi di grandissimo rilievo, al di là di qualsiasi giudizio di merito.
  Gli omnibus sono per certi versi fisiologici nella vita di tutti i parlamenti: uno strumento ovvio per costruire il consenso . Hanno però difetti gravi: difficile che provvedimenti che contengono disposizioni variegate e che devono essere approvati in tempi brevi siano esaminati con la dovuta attenzione (Parliament and public opinion). In short, lack of transparency . Add to this the fact that the text is a constant reference to the other paragraphs of other laws that refer to other paragraphs and other laws. So far hardly intelligible. In defiance of the principle established by law by the Minister for Simplification of legislation that every reference to other rules contained in laws, as well as regulations, decrees or circulars issued by the government, "must at the same state, either in full or in form concise and clear understanding of the text or the matter to which the provisions relate, or the principle contained in the rules which the reader that they intend to call ".
is a picture worsened, then the mode of adoption: in our case, the maxi-amendment to the Senate and vote of confidence. But the increasing loss of Parliament's role in the production of legislation is inevitable assault on the few trains that go by, and for which there is no certainty that reach their destination. Of course, all things considered, we find ourselves with an Act of stability and a streamlined Milleproroghe fat. Not that we have won.

EIGHT milleproroghe

Milleproroghe Decree Decree-Law of 30 December 2005, n. 273, converted into law February 23, 2006, No 51: 192 paragraphs
Decreto Milleproroghe decreto-legge 12 maggio 2006, n. 173, convertito nella legge 12 luglio 2006, n. 228:
13 commi
Decreto Milleproroghe decreto-legge 28 dicembre 2006, n. 300, convertito nella legge 26 febbraio 2007, n. 17: 83 commi
Decreto Milleproroghe decreto-legge 31 dicembre 2007, n. 248, convertito nella legge 28 febbraio 2008, n. 31: 281 commi
Decreto Milleproroghe decreto-legge 30 dicembre 2008, n. 207, convertito nella legge 27 febbraio 2009, n. 14: 220 commi
Decreto Milleproroghe decreto-legge 30 giugno 2008, n. 113: 21 commi
Decreto Milleproroghe decreto-legge 30 dicembre 2009, n. 194, convertito February 26, 2010 in Law, No 25: 154 paragraphs
Milleproroghe Decree Law Decree 29 December 2010, n. 225 (including amendments made by the Senate): 221 paragraphs

(Research by Matthew Fracchia)

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Risk Tolerance Questionnaire

Economy: good, good, ba ....

of Leonardo Fraternale

Our slows latter part of 2010 and ended the year with a growth of 1, 1% , just short of government estimates, which showed a +1.2%. Compared to the crisis all'annus horribilis, 2009, chiusosi con crollo del 5,1%, il 2010 ha segnato una ripresa , anche se il ritmo di crescita italiano appare estremamente debole rispetto ai più vigorosi esempi che arrivano dall’Europa.
“Siamo contenti, ma vogliamo e dobbiamo fare di più”, ha commentato da Bruxelles il ministro dell’Economia, Giulio Tremonti . “Ad aprile presenteremo il piano per la crescita, tenendo conto che il problema dell’Italia è quello del Sud. Più cresci e meglio è. E noi – ha sottolineato – contiamo di raggiungere obiettivi più ambiziosi”. Il +1,1% stride in particolare con il +3,6% della Germania While in the year struck from the negative consequences of the ice that has paralyzed the country, and is even lower than the 1.7% of the Eurozone and the EU-27 and +1.5% in France, penalized in this case the strikes against pension reform. A growth differs little from 1% , as predicted last October by the Bank of Italy governor, Mario Draghi, the rest had already been branded as "disappointing" by Confindustria, the Italian economy in the last report reluctantly had cut their estimates, speaking of a country that "once again left behind."
The slowdown was evident in the fourth quarter . Between October and December 2010 the GDP was almost stagnant, the increase was minimal and equal to just 0.1% against 0.3% the previous quarter. At the same time, the euro zone grew by 0.3% and the entire EU 0.2%. Even Spain has been better than Italy, with a +0.2%. These results are not exciting but still higher than the Italian one. We have performed worse than Greece (-1.4%), Portugal (-0.3%) and the United Kingdom (-0.5%), again mainly due to bad weather. A surprise in the last months of the year was industry to a standstill.
According to Istat, in fact, the increase is the result of a cyclical increase in the value added of agriculture (after the fall of 3.1% in 2009, notes Coldiretti) and services and a decrease in the value added of industry. "Closing the positive fourth quarter was not easy after the decline in industrial production," said the president of the Institute of Statistical, Enrico Giovannini, while stressing that "the a way to bring us back on pre-crisis levels is long " .
You can add the data disseminated by the OECD on the growth recorded in the 34 countries in the decade 1999-2009, are anything but comforting for Italy. Our country has in fact been marked by an annual average increase of only 0.5%, the worst since the OECD area, where the average growth rate was considerably higher (1.7%), like that of the euro area (+1.4%). Queued also Japan, the penultimate with +0.7%, and Germany, while in the first place is the Slovak Republic with an average growth exceeding 4.5%, slightly in front of Korea.
It is not clear the reason by which Tremonti is happy.
Certainly the trend of GDP in 2010 was much better than that which occurred in the previous period but where there was a real collapse. In fact, if Tremonti recognize that the trend of GDP was far from satisfactory (Fig. below) , as they really happened, acknowledges the profound limits of its economic policies, all aimed at containing the deficit and without interventions, both short-term and structural, designed to promote economic growth, a goal that Tremonti is not considered important?, beyond the general admission that it had to do more?.

Friday, February 11, 2011

How To Make A Shiny Stone Work

about censorship

link to a page of La Stampa of Turin: ? ID_blog = 25 & ID_articolo ID_sezione = 8399 & = & section =

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Best Desmume Emulator For Soul Silver

really happens ...

of Leonardo Fraternale

A 15 year old out of 5 is illiterate - In Italy, according to data collected in 2010, the OECD-PISA test 21 per cento dei quindicenni è semianalfabeta.

Secondo i dati raccolti 21% dei quindicenni ha «scarsi risultati in lettura». Si tratta di adolescenti «in grado di svolgere soltanto gli esercizi di lettura meno complessi come individuare una singola informazione, identificare il tema principale di un testo, o fare un semplice collegamento con la conoscenza di tutti i giorni».

Non appena cresce di poco il livello, iniziano le difficoltà, mancano cioè, le «capacità fondamentali di lettura e di scrittura». La Commissione europea, spiega in una nota, si è riunita «per contribuire a risolvere il problema, ha istituito a group of independent experts charged with identifying ways to improve levels of literacy. "

The group that met in Brussels for the first time the other day, and chaired by Princess Laurentien of the Netherlands has set an objective to reduce to less than 15 percent by 2020, the percentage of pupils who are experiencing difficulties in reading, mathematics, science and / or at Community level. "This initiative - said the princess will help dispel the taboo that persists to this day. Illiteracy hampers economic growth and integration. "
(15.2 per cent Denmark, Holland and Sweden are closer to the goal of 15 percent, while in Finland under 10).

The paradox to think about: never as in these years there was a chance to read, often at no cost, as ever in recent years, thanks to the network, there is the possibility to have access to interactive courses in mathematics , Italian, etc..

So what? People who clicked on the ability of our guys in OFF mode?

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Thyroglossal Duct Cyst Baby

The revival of small and medium enterprises ...

''A new tax such as the IMU can only be detrimental to small businesses,''is to say Giuseppe Bortolussi , Secretary generale della Cgia di Mestre, che ha espresso la propria preoccupazione sulla possibile introduzione di nuove imposte con l'approvazione del federalismo fiscale. ''Le aziende sopportano già una pressione fiscale del 50-60 per cento'' - ha detto ancora Bortolussi -. ''In più, almeno il 65 per cento dell'ici riguarda le imprese e non i singoli cittadini''.