Sunday, January 20, 2008

Light Switch 2balck Wire 1 Red Wire

cosa mi frulla in testa adesso...

ieri sera nel Castello di Barletta si è Democratic Party held a meeting whose theme was the development of the area and were among the guests, as well as Mr Sinisi, the Secretary General Michele Emiliano ..
course was an opportunity too good not to mention our ..
and so I prepared a speech because I did not want to forget anything nor leave anything to chance and now I'll post ..

"Let me introduce myself my name is Marina and I am 22 years young is that you can see my height and also takes away those little doubt that there could be only for that ... now there's nothing to do!

22 years said so young, very young:

too young to graduate,

too young to keep me alone

too young to have a permanent job, and thus too young to take out a mortgage for the house, too young to be independent,

too young to get married then, too

young to do the job for which I studied,

too young to run for parliament, let alone as a senator,

too young, in practice, to be part of any sector of this Italy.

This is what I have now in our hands:

a classic high school diploma earned the highest marks but that does not give me no employment opportunities and no competenza specifica, a dispetto delle tante ore trascorse sui libri di greco;

anni di lavoretti part-time senza contratto e malpagati che si perdono da un giorno all’altrosenza preavviso, perché “tanto sei giovane ed è giusto maltrattarti un po’: devi fare la gavetta” dicono.

Cos’altro possiedo?

Per ora solo i libri di diritto tributario per il prossimo esame all’università.

Qualcuno dirà: sei fortunata, hai potuto continuare gli studi; quando ti sarai laureata sarai qualcuno e guadagnerai bene.

Ne siete sicuri? Vi racconto allora la storia di un Tranese, laureato in scienze della comunicazione a Perugia con 110 cum laude and in the course. A student away from home and his parents, a retired teacher and railroad worker have made sacrifices to sacrifices to enable him to pursue his aspirations. Once graduated, he started sending resumes to resumes, but it was not admitted to the talks because it lacks practical experience in fund had only studied intensively for 18 years.

After six months the decision to leave for Great Britain to follow a course in English and maybe look for a job, because 25 years had yet to ask their parents for money to host a dinner to his girlfriend is humiliating.

Well, after a week of his arrival had found a job with fixed-term and now works in a large company in Manchester, he earns more than her mother, a professor of English and French in Italy and precarious for 20 years, and expects that in these days is a formalized career that will allow him to do the job for which he has studied: 27 years old, a new enthusiasm, continues to believe in his dreams because he knows that it is now one step closer to achieving them, but it is miles away from the people he loves because he sees his parents only twice a year.

If we were to the World Cup would be ten to zero Great Britain Italy. But unfortunately it is not a game.

rhetoric might seem to be young in Italy but now is difficult, injustice, nepotism and recommendations will destroy even the strongest, the most combative character and the most hard-dreamers.

the Democratic Party are not asking for miracles, or to satisfy our desires, nor solve our problems and even to find a job, like many politicians promise during the election campaign. We opportunity: ask us a tool with TARE where you really decide, to weigh our will and to make us fight our battles alone, alone to build our dreams, our ambitions e il nostro futuro.

Perché questo futuro tanto decantato da destra e sinistra vogliamo costruircelo noi , con la nostra inesperienza con i nostri errori, con le nostre ingenuità e le nostre fragilità, ma anche con l’entusiasmo e l’avventato slancio dei nostri anni, che sono VERDI come le quote che non sono più state assicurate nei direttivi cittadini, e nelle quali noi tutti un po’ speravamo . Perchè a 60 anni dalla promulgazione della Costituzione, l’Italia è di nuovo tutta da ricostruire e noi ci siamo già rimboccati le maniche: se ci volete, siamo già pronti!"

Speravo di ric evere meno applausi e più risposte..visto che non ne ho avute!perchè forse non si è capito che il mio non e ra un intervento apologetico, bensì si sa che in Italia se non si fa la voce grossa, non si viene ascoltati. Si è ormai persa l'abitudine di discutere con toni pacati.

difatti dopo il mio intervento, si è scatenata una polemica molto urlata sulle correnti interne al Partito democratico e sulla ripartizione che è stata fatta degli incarichi. Decine e decine di interventi ripetitivi si sono succeduti come una cascata inesorabile facendo protrarre l'assemblea sino alle 9 di sera: tutti hanno voluto dire la loro...anche se due secondi first the concept had already been given. But it did not matter much, because the aim was to be there, because as Andy Warhol said "ALL IN THE FUTURE WILL HAVE AT LEAST 15 minutes of fame, '" in my opinion, however, it is important to see how you play them ... at the end of these minutes, at school, we have also appointed the action more beautiful ..
as usual with the exception of the activities of boys from which, paradoxically, are always calls for reflection on the situation TODAY, THE WISDOM, THE DIALOGUE: I know that kids today are wiser and with feet on the floor of the greats.
Unfortunately I find myself once again my frustration at not having received answers: probably the next time I'll have to I put to scream until they make me sit at the table of celebrity, as did anyone.

sorceress Magò


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