Ci aspettavamo un PUG di qualità in grado di sostenere una nuova strategia di sviluppo economico della città, sia nei settori tradizionali dell’attività produttiva, sia nei settori dei servizi e del turismo; Una programmazione di interventi mirati sul patrimonio storico e ambientale con la previsione di nuove infrastrutture, per rendere la città più efficiente and accessible.
We expected projects in the transportation system, the countryside, the new province, on culture.
We were expecting a level of "Opportunities for All", instead we are faced with a plan of "opportunity for some."
A real disappointment, because if you dig carefully, we find that the pug is used by some to "make populism," saying yes to all, and the other to "make money" fact, not needed nothing to discover that they become owners of land built on, because you do not can build quickly, but in return you will be forced to pay taxes (Ici, registry, VAT, income tax, IRES, IRAP) as if it were already built.
When citizens in possession of land and people looking for jobs in the construction industry will wake up from the illusions fabricated by the majority that rules the town, encounter harsh on their skin damage and insult for having to pay for something they did not.
There is great disappointment because they are key points in programming, does not have as central the quality of life of citizens, let alone is the principle of sustainability of weather that could develop on an ecological network, the sealing of the soil or a landscape analysis of the impact of current and future infrastructure.
There is so much disappointment on the non-participation in collective yet - there are issues that concern not only the majority or the Mayor who have made decisions, the strong logic of numbers and the consent of that party politically close, ignoring the comments of professional associations, opposition parties, associations and ordinary citizens ..
The PUG has not considered sustainable development of the city, does not find any guidance planned urban development and housing, but only a general structural plan of the city exclusively oriented to overbuilding.
There is no doubt that we must foster economic revival through the construction industry city driving sector of the economy, but we can not accept that this is done through a clear and unacceptable speculation.
The area of \u200b\u200burban sectors, through a cynical bargaining has been reduced to coincide with the surface of the housing estates and thus has not only thwarted the equalization, but it has lost any chance to draw executive development plans that would allow a complete urbanization of the districts.
The city waited for years for a PUG new, modern, enabling sustainable development in each district of the city, but this PUG is a clear use for a long and cynical speculation.
This led us to produce four pages of specific observations and timely divided into 13 points. But "the occupiers" in power have refused the transparency of decisions and we have responded with "medium line".
If this were not enough, a majority of shots, some of the councilors, without letto le osservazioni, senza aver chiesto chiarimenti o fatto commenti su quanto scritto sul documento presentato all’amministrazione comunale, ha votato alla “cieca”.
Non rendendosi conto che il progettista del piano non ha risposto minimamente ad alcuna questione posta da noi nell’interesse pubblico, i Consiglieri Comunali della maggioranza si sono assunti la responsabilità personale di giudicare negativamente quanto da noi affermato sulla:
· non compatibilità del PUG adottato con il pubblico interesse e la vigente disciplina, nonché la sostenibilità delle trasformazioni previste in termini di qualità urbana, di paesaggio e di rispetto per le diverse componenti ambientali;
· non coerenza fra PUG e documento programmatico preliminare;
· Sul fatto che il PUG non preveda il rispetto delle percentuali minime pari al 40% di edilizia residenziale pubblica in tutti i quartieri della città, come prescritto dalla Legge n. 10/77;
Questi i più importanti punti delle Osservazioni, portate formalmente a conoscenza del Sindaco, ed a cui non è stata data alcuna risposta.
Pertanto Coordination of the Democratic Party di Trani, noted the lack of response to comments PUG, calls taken the measures necessary for a careful and exhaustive review of the charge produced by the Citizens and comments from all stakeholders collective, if not anticipated that you will be forced to use the premises responsible for ensuring the 'legitimate interest of citizens and the meeting and avoid harmful speculation.
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