Friday, October 22, 2010

Dolfin Striped Shorts

anything Dedicated to You

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Quickest Shutter Speed Digital Camera

Bread and Comedy ...

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Day Counter Relationships

Where we are now ....

Friday, October 15, 2010

Synyster Gates Spiky Hair

da: September edition of the Flight Bag, IATA's Safety, Operations and Infrastructure (SO&I) newsletter

Pubblichiamo la libera traduzione di un'esperta dell'edizione Settembre 2010 della Newsletter di IATA per SAFETY & SECURITY:

Checkpoint del futuro: alla ricerca di persone, non di cose, sospette.

La IATA sta continuando a sviluppare la sua visione del controllo passeggeri futuro.

Se abbiamo imparato qualcosa negli ultimi dieci anni, è che un passeggero con un tagliaunghie non è necessariamente una minaccia per l’aviazione civile.

Nell’ottica della IATA, il checkpoint non deve più essere la prima linea di difesa. Le cospirazioni andrebbero sventate molto prima dell’aeroporto e gli addetti al controllo dovrebbero cercare indizi comportamentali, that warrant more thorough inspection. The passenger information (API, PNR), collected by governments before the trip, should be available for personnel screening to determine whether a search is necessary. This process would bring us to a more efficient checkpoint, allowing the one hand, the majority of passengers to suffer a minor inconvenience, second, to maximize safety.

IATA is currently consulting with its members and with partners in government and industry to further refine the framework and further develop the various elements.

IATA discussed in Vienna the checkpoint of the future

On 22 September, IATA has been invited to speak at the Symposium on Austrian Aviation Safety. Matschnigg Guenther, Senior Vice-President for Security, Operations and Infrastructure, submitted ideas and a possible model for a Checkpoint of the Future that will search for "people, not things, suspicious." The presentation also ranged into other topics, including one-stop security, ICAO standards, simplification of procedures and IATA 5 Recommendations for Security.

The message was well received and helped to increase the weight of the IATA safety in Central Europe.

Security IATA alla 37a sessione dell’assemblea ICAO

All’Assemblea ICAO di Settembre, la IATA presenterà un progetto dal titolo “Rafforzare la Sicurezza Aerea Globale Potenziando le Capacità Operative e le Competenze Tecniche nell’Industria del Trasporto Aereo”, esprimendo il proprio impegno nel mantenere sicuri i cieli del mondo ed invitando l’Assemblea ad intraprendere le seguenti azioni:

• Aumentare gli sforzi dell’ICAO per assicurare il rispetto globale degli Standard e delle Pratiche Raccomandate nell’Annesso 17, con particolare attenzione ad aeroporti e regioni a più alto rischio;

• Riconoscere l’importanza della consulenza of "insiders", urging all States to establish the Industrial Advisory Bodies for aviation safety;

• Recognize the need to develop a "Checkpoint of the Future" globally coordinated, integrating police information, analysis and behavioral data Passenger;

• Urge Member States that require or will require airlines to transmit passenger data at various national departments, to establish a single-portal data (or "single window") through which all data can be sent are electronically

• Urge the ICAO to produce material for States Members on the standard level of service in the internal procedures relating to management and international data transmission.

control of all cargo on passenger flights to the USA

The TSA (U.S. Department of Transportation Security Administration) is actively pursuing the adoption of national programs on goods that have air security requirements commensurate ( or similar) in the USA. Without this, the TSA will require airlines to be able to control 100% of freight in August 2013 . IATA has offered its assistance in facilitating international dialogue among legislators who want to push for the adoption of such programs.

In the comparison with the TSA, many companies have asked IATA to inform the Agency of the problems associated with current procedures ispezionee report. IATA has provided the TSA all the details of the case and says it will continue to maintain a dialogue with those who, within the Agency, the decision-makers, continuing in an effort to ensure that statutory requirements are to be decided in accordance with the obligations International and the industry's ability to adapt.

Orajel Has Quit Working

Fold the story ....

of Leonardo Fraternale

After seeing the "lesson" of the "Professor" Claudio Moffa I feel entitled to "help" in his dotage, superabundance:

- The pyramids we made our (tourism project);
- Nikola Tesla no understanding of electromagnetism;
- Man non é mai stato sulla Luna (progetto media e Nasa);
- l'11 settembre 2001 é stata un'invenzione mediatica (progetto guerra globale);
- San Paolo Apostolo é un'ideologia, non un uomo (progetto schiavitù di massa);
- Le camere a gas non sono mai esistite (progetto sionista).

Chiunque avesse da postare altre fandonie storiche, lo faccia...

P.S. Ai "Fratelli Maggiori", per la seconda volta in 2 settimane: scusateci!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Ms Saga New Dawn Action Replay

Bread and Truth

di Raffaele Iannuzzi

Le vere crisi si colgono plasticamente quando i più bravi e intelligenti le sparano grosse. O, meglio, dicono cose digeribili dal buon cosiddetto “buon senso”, ma in una cornice che, elevata a criterio universale di lettura della realtà, diventa simile a quella descritta da Kurt Wimmer nel grande film “Equilibrium”, uscito nel 2002. In questo film si parla di una nazione immaginaria, Libria, una città-Stato sopravvissuta al disastro atomico, e dei suoi poveri abitanti costretti a morire di inedia emozionale. Già, perché, per evitare le guerre, le carestie, le violenze e le crisi qualcuno – il Padre - ha deciso di espungere i sentimenti e le emozioni dal cuore e dal corpo degli uomini. Chi non si spara sul collo la fiala per far ciò, diventa un fuorilegge, compiendo “reato di emozione”. Il protagonista del film, un magnifico Christian Bale, nel film John Preston, è il migliore dell’ordine poliziesco-monastico a capo dell’ordine pubblico a Libria, i Cleric. Dopo la condanna a morte del suo partner per “ reato di emozione ”, si accorge di tenere più all’umanità che al controllo delle emozioni e comincia a desiderare di provarne sempre di più intense, fino al punto di scardinare il sistema del Padre. C’è una scena chiave nel film, quando Preston va in una casa di malfattori “emozionati” and, eager to live, puts on an old record player the first movement of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony: suddenly spring a crystal ball with fake snow and the Eiffel Tower, which crashed to the ground, and bursts into tears heartbreaking. It 's a man! He awakened the Culture, which has made our civilization great. Therefore, it is true, in terms of common sense, that "people do not eat culture" - as the minister replied to the minister Tremonti Bondi, requiring more money for his ministry during the last council of ministers - but not is in terms of common sense. It says "common sense" that achieves universal meanings and reveals the non-negotiable principles mentioned by Pope Benedict. A people subjugated by the crisis as a lack of bread and butter of terror is a people enslaved, and politics can not crush a people in the grip of terror, but must, instead, making him wake him raise his head, enabling him to do as in Preston film. Moved by means move together. What a people can do in moments of crisis. Moreover, as the best instrument for culture in a country that has more than 70% of the artistic and cultural heritage of the world? This would then make it worth, wealth and capital. This is to ensure that people eat culture. A French intellectual wrote a fine essay years ago, "The state culture." Here, we need this culture of a State, which meets the needs of the people bread and truth. The money in the ministry of culture is a prescription anti-crisis, in this context. Tremonti, politically informed and educated man, can not realize it.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Honey Extractor For Sale Canada

State variation USG 12 dal DGR IATA ed ulteriori disposizioni dal DOT

remind all customers of the importance of the STATE VARIATION USG-12 (from the IATA DGR Section 2.9) and report the attention of all the disclosures that the Department of Tranportation (DOT) has made to U.S. CFR 49 with effect from 1 October 2010.

This update provides additional provisions / details about the application of the STATE VARIATION USG-12, emphasizing the obligation to always associate the Emergency contact number, required in the Shipper's Declaration for all shipments of dangerous goods (except "magnetized material - 2807 A") the name of the person who is competent to provide all the information relative to any emergency that might be needed during l’intero ciclo di trasporto (a terra, in magazzino e in volo). Tale persona deve essere la stessa preposta a garantire il presidio h 24 al citato emergency number, in modo da evitare tempi morti, relativi all’eventuale smistamento della chiamata.

Viene altresì enfatizzata la necessità di porre in particolare evidenza , nel documento di trasporto, l’emergency response number, ricorrendo all’uso di caratteri più grandi o di colore diverso da quello usato per la compilazione di tutte le altre parti del documento .

Secondo le indicazioni, la persona preposta per l’“emergency response” può essere lo stesso speditore o persona di altra organization delegated by and indicated by name or contract number.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Giant Plastic Building Blocks


of Leonardo Fraternale

"We will proceed with structuring the territory. And to start we have defined three 'cells -tes t' in the North, the Centre and the South. " But will ' made a great "brain" central with the task of presenting issues and campaigns. Then, each 'cell' will deal 'to contact the families of each of the 200-300 61mila' sections' identified disseminating the results of the government through our book.

Word of the Unnamed, not cock!

Eye to the language, the language of neo-Orwellian memory-cell test, central brain, Broadcast ... The words are all we have and that define our way of thinking about the world, society, other . In the words of the Unnamed you feel like would draw her: soldiers (without honor, of course) who walk among us, enter our homes with door to door to spread the word, the book, the truth. Eugenics policy (with lower case p), where those who are entered will not want to hear, listen and accept this truth, automatically switching into the category of the enemy (perhaps in Italy, your neighbor's infected, your friends who look at you with eyes suspicious). A large central brain (made up of whom?) That will analyze the data and fill the boxes: the ready to sacrifice for the supreme leader and all the others. The Freedom Team (no kidding, it's just called that) will be mobilized in the coming days. They will say "government of doing", "party of love," the dissonant voices called traitors, will talk about our good, and Italy. There

Please: do not let them entare, say no, say enough! Get an idea on their own and if you can, look for sources of information (no matter what, it matters that they are many) from which to draw your own thinking (everything is fine, as long as yours).

Place a notice outside your house, like what some people have for the Jehovah's Witnesses, for not breaking balls. You are free, as always, you were born so, and no West, I say nobody, has the duty to tell you what is your freedom and how you think.

Boys want to be part of the team of freedom: ask yourself why you need an abbreviation of a name to declare what you are actually already "FREE".