Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Matshita Ujda 760 Firmware
The Democratic Party in Mirabella is "research" of girls and boys of all ages with the desire to get actively involved in discussion and policy of his country, with the aim of creating a youth group can be the future leaders, because without the commitment of women and men with new ideas, new principles and new thinking, our country will never get out of pain government and the disastrous situation in which it resides.
why the PD is proposed to create an instrument of communication and engagement directed toward young people, a movement that wants to tell people: 'Stop, we discuss together as a country and what system we want to build. "
An association of people who want to create something concrete for the good of his country, so Mirabella once again be a country to live peacefully and senza la solita frase “in questo posto non c’è niente”.
La nostra missione sarà quella di creare opportunità e strumenti d’iniziativa politica e culturale affinché tante donne e uomini si sentano dire: “C’è bisogno di te per costruire una città migliore”.
Se veramente vogliamo sfatare il mito del mirabellese “buono solo a parlare” e che scompare al momento di mettersi in gioco e partecipiamo numerosi a questa iniziativa.
Chiunque fosse interessato può iniziare a lasciare commenti in questa discussione: sarà nostra premura organizzare quanto prima un primo incontro esplicativo degli obbiettivi che ci proponiamo.
Grazie a tutti.
Filippo Nisi, PD
Mirabella Imbaccari
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Calories Burned Using Arc Cardio
Day September 25, 2008 for the first time I attended a session of the City Council, but in reality I have been listening for about 15 minutes after which I could not find any more interest to continue.
Let me explain briefly: when I arrived already the vice-president Valerio Martines, which are my wishes and my good luck, had been elected, the situation in front of me was this: present all the directors of the new majority / opposition, absent the consultants representing the AC, only present the vice-mayor Giustolisi.
The thing that has disgusted me more, is not so much present or absent, but the fact that each of the members present asked to speak and he made a speech in which two points were discussed: the work critical of the administration, the same as those made in a few days before meeting and greeting the new vice-president. And the thing that I want to emphasize is that all its members present recited the same side, doing nothing but wasting time, so that the Council has been postponed. And the proposals? The other points to be discussed?
It has even been referred to the public and they've really decided to leave: the audience was composed of a dozen elderly people who pretended to listen and that at some point you are bored, that they were the only pass the time! Mah!
I would like to extend an invitation to the gentlemen who govern us: Forget the appearances do not just think you have to show everyone the gift of eloquence of the speeches and you can do: go to the point, worked for the good of a country otherwise let by ; the whole community will thank you!!
Friday, September 5, 2008
I Want To Make A Money Tree For A Shower
Recent political events have occurred in Mirabella did nothing but confirm three common concepts to our dear representatives: the first is the continuous pursuit of personal interest rather than that of the community, the second directly connected to the first, is the attachment the "chair" and the personal representative within the AC, the third, as if the other two were not enough to make the situation critical, is that these problems have spread evenly among all politicians, be they old or young, "Communist "or" fascists ", or" left "or" dextroses, "which leads me to two questions: who should rely on the community Mirabellese groped for a solution to its perennial problems? Credibility with which all, or at least the vast majority of current directors, whether majority or minority, right or left, in the light of the disasters combined during the past legislative may occur to the public, sorry to the community?
La risposta può, a seconda delle opinioni personali e delle amicizie, essere complicatissima o anche molto semplice.
Io provo a dare quella semplice: basterebbe "mandare a casa" indistintamente tutti gli attuali rappresentanti e sostituirli con gente nuova al potere, non per forza giovane(anche alla luce dei fatti recenti), che abbia come unico interesse quello collettivo. Difficile? Può darsi ma nella vita bisogna provare!!
Ecco perchè vorrei lanciare una semplice proposta a tutti coloro i quali saranno in grado di mettersi in gioco e "attivarsi" al fine della costruzione di un movimento di rinnovamento politico a Mirabella Imbaccari.
Chiunque provasse interesse per queste proposte, o condividesse le mie opinioni or wishes to challenge or criticism can freely do so. Look
few brave!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Swinging Beaches Spain
Among the acts are still outstanding in the transition between the XV and XVI term, and bequeathed to the new government, there are five examination by-laws for the new houses to be converted by next June.
For these by-laws, the Chamber of Deputies approved the establishment of a special commission, composed of 30 members appointed by the parliamentary groups in proportion to their numbers.
The decree-law, currently pending in the House, include:
expression secrecy of the vote in elections;
the implementation of Community obligations and enforcement of judgments of the Court of Justice, the
disposizioni finanziarie in materia di trasporti ferroviari regionali;
le disposizioni finanziarie in materia di protezione civile;
le misure urgenti per assicurare il pubblico servizio di trasporto aereo.
Disposizioni urgenti per l'attuazione di obblighi comunitari e l'esecuzione di sentenze della Corte di giustizia delle Comunità europee (Decreto salva-infrazioni)
Il decreto (definito anche "salva-infrazioni") ha l'obiettivo di sanare alcune procedure di infrazione e impedire la presentazione di eventuali ricorsi scongiurando così una condanna dell'Italia da parte della Corte di Giustizia.
Per tre delle procedure di infrazione in questione, (mancato recupero degli aiuti di Stato a società municipalizzate and state aid for employment, and failure to transpose Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of 23 October 2000, for Community action in the field of water), the European Commission has already announced the imminent appeal to the Court of Justice. Without immediate legislative action to avoid such proceedings Italy risks for each of the three infringement procedures indicated the order to pay a minimum lump sum of € 9,920,000, plus a penalty payment of between 22,000 and 700,000 € for each day of delay in the second sentence. E 'to keep in mind that, once introduced the application, the Commission European Union have stopped the removal of the same in case of late adaptation of the recalcitrant State.
Funding urgent civil protection
The decree-law provides for the restoration, to 48.8 million euro, the Fund for Civil Protection and defining the modalities for the refund of taxes and contributions suspended following a seismic event took place in September 1997 in Umbria and Marche.
The measure, therefore, the purpose of further funding of civil protection activities by allocating new resources in addition to those specified in the Finance Act 2008, taken with the special provisions. They, therefore, a purely accounting content. For
As regards the seismic events of September 1997 in Umbria and Marche to the decree law provides for those who have benefited from the suspension of the deadline for tax payments and payments of social security, welfare and insurance required by ordinances passed by the Minister ' internal in 1997 and 1998. To this end, it was provided a budget of € 50 million from 2008. The decree-law provides for a reduction of the debt at 60 percent and the return by the taxpayer, the remaining 40 per cent in ten years, with no applicable interest and penalties. The funding is provided through new resources. The decree
, published in the Official Journal of 8 April and in force since April 10, is currently before the House of Representatives and must be converted by June 7, 2008.
Financial provisions relating to urgent regional rail
The decree-law aims at ensuring the availability of minimum resources to ensure that, for the first months of 2008 to maintain current levels of rail services in regions with ordinary statute currently exercised by the company Trenitalia Spa under service contracts outstanding as at December 31, 2007. This is to prevent the interruption of a significant part of the same and cause serious inconvenience to users. With
2008 Budget (Article 1, paragraphs 295 and following - Law 244/2007), was introduced a structural reform of the system of financing of these services, which provides, in implementation of the reform of Title V of Part II of the Constitution, the abolition of state transfers to the regions with the allocation of revenue sharing to the excise on diesel. Thus, the sector will rely, in line with what has already happened for the road and rail services on a source of funding and some dynamic over time, which will allow ordinary statute regions entering into new service contracts. The decree
, published in the Official Gazette on 8 aprile scorso, è attualmente all'esame della Camera dei deputati e deve essere convertito entro il il 7 giugno 2008.
Misure urgenti per assicurare il pubblico servizio di trasporto aereo
Il decreto-legge intende garantire, per il tempo strettamente necessario, un servizio pubblico essenziale al fine di evitare l’interruzione della continuità territoriale e problemi di ordine pubblico. In particolare, l’intervento si propone di contenere le conseguenze sistemiche, di rilevanza prioritaria per la politica dei trasporti e per il sistema economico del Paese, che si determinerebbero a seguito di un blocco del trasporto aereo.
L’intervento ha anche l’obiettivo di non compromettere la conclusione del processo privatization of Alitalia, waiting for the new government should take the fullness of his powers.
The decree provides for the payment of € 300 million to Alitalia-Linee Aeree Italian SpA, to be able to respond to immediate liquidity needs.
intervention was necessary and urgent by the serious financial situation of Alitalia, as evidenced by the information disclosed to the market, to meet immediate cash requirements of the Company, which is essential for the continuity of normal business in the short term.
The criticality of the economic and financial situation is worse than expected by economic context and, in particular the very strong increase in the price of fuel has significantly impacted on the prospects for reduction of operational losses and maintaining liquidity necessaria.Si is a loan with market characteristics in the very short term from funds Treasury, which must be repaid within the current financial year (December 31, 2008) plus an interest rate to the extent provided for by specific guidelines.
The amount of the loan is strictly related to the objectives of the decree. The decree
published in the Official Journal of 24 April is currently before Parliament for the conversion into law
Urgent measures to ensure the secrecy of the casting of votes in elections and referendums
The legislation was passed in the vicinity of the elections that took place last April.
This measure aims to provide a response to the need, long felt by the political forces and citizens, to strengthen measures to protect the secrecy of the vote in the election and referendum. The availability and use at the mass level of telematics and information such as mobile phones with photographic devices make possible the control and the conditions for the right to vote.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Fall Centerpiecesfor Candles /mason Jars
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Nadine Jansen New 2010
Hello everyone is a bit 'not posted for various reasons and especially for the little tempo.Volevo bring to a manifesto that emphasizes short for the FIRST TIME a political program that he thought the world of youth in detail and proposes to solve at least part of our problems.
addition to addressing young people, particularly those that will vote for THE FIRST TIME I urge them to reflect on the DEMOCRATIC the 'weapon of the vote. "So do not waste it and think on at least a minute before scoring the fateful X!!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Worst Part Of Trenches
dalle ore 19:30
presso l'american-bar
in P.zza Teatro,
i Fermenti Democratici festeggiano
la loro prima campagna elettoral e
invitando tutti i ragazzi della provincia a parteciparvi!!!
absolutely free entry and free!!
entry requirements:
want to party and
guest speaker Michele Emiliano ..
.. and then signed dozens of gadgets PD!
let know ..
Trani to show that there are also children of the left !!!!!
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
What Is The Eco Cycle On Dishwashers
All those who wish to attend the meeting will be very welcome, although not part of the coordination of the rest ... we are a Democratic Party in name and in fact!
Friday, March 14, 2008
Where To Find Heatran In Pokemon Indigo

Knight yesterday he delighted us with a 'found another of his: he had the wisdom of an elephant joke (so it is justified) on something as delicate youth employment.
On one of the tragedies of our century, the premier candidate that wants to be the savior of the country and says he is ready to solve every type of question you are allowed the luxury of mocking a young man who asked for help because of the precarious condition of her! This joker
do not believe in him or Jupiter (ahime!) to us poor students, temporary workers, the unemployed, more than uncertain about our future. In fact the Knight
the question on the issue of young people working there we found a solution I do not know what easy to implement and not at all suggestive: Marry a Millionaire / A as her comely young and successful!
Thanks Silvio, we hope that the fathers like you do sfornino enough and fast enough that we can marry them all.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Alpine Swr-1242d Wiring Diagram
13 with "our" regional secretary yesterday and still did not know how this initiative would take place (there are 2 proposals): Forums is not organized in this manner, and above all we must remember that we are not laborers can use when it suits (see in a broom closet).
Trani will not be there because they committed to a forum:
However, the presence in Bari was not so obvious, even if this initiative had not been planned, at least for me.
I hope that other forums will be organized after the election campaign, in which case I will do everything possible to be present.
When it comes to ferment must remember that we do not speak pd boys but a group that looks to the party in a new way if we continue to fossilize the youth group that we could not do anything because one currency is widely accepted that young people "do not understand" or "grow tomore"
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Salomon Contagrip Støvle

I always wondered what sense to celebrate the woman only because it is ... if this were a normal thing then there is also the feast of man ..

so I concluded that a party is built to make us feel a star for a day as for the rest of the institutions we forget our bodies ..
and then I played qst bitter bitter day .. as it should be was when it was set up .. and I suddenly realized that I do not want mimosas ..
not want flowers,
nor cards, nor
chocolates ..
am a woman now but I was even yesterday and I will be tomorrow ..
and how things are today women do not really need but wish to undertake to settle all those walls that still exist in our society, well-covered by equalities only in shape, heralded only on official documents full of fine words.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Shiney Stone Gold Silver
Dear Walter, I offer you a warm welcome to our beautiful land on behalf of children Yeasts Democrats in the province of Barletta-Andria-Trani, the new youth group, without waiting for official coordination, formed by joining those who have long worked in the original formation of political parties and many che dal 14 ottobre si sono avvicinati curiosi ed entusiasti.
Abbiamo pensato a lungo a come spendere questa eccezionale opportunità di parlarti occhi negli occhi, e troppe erano le domande che ci sono balenate nella mente per non raccoglierle tutte e presentartele.
A cosa sarebbe valso infatti preparare un intervento apologetico nel quale gloriarci di ciò che nelle nostre piccole realtà stiamo facendo? Quello che dal 14 ottobre ad oggi abbiamo compiuto credendo nel progetto del partito democratico è difatti solo la partenza di un processo ben più lungo ed irto di difficoltà che vediamo dinanzi a noi. È solo il bandolo di una MATASSA, INTRICATA as it is today's Italy, who lost for too long the thread of a conversation started 60 years ago with a phrase that went like this:
"Italy is a democratic republic founded on work" .
Yes, dear Walter, democratic as our Democratic Party, built by those who want work with us to serve the country, but not chasing a pipe dream, but as a small building laborers a more just place to live, practicing every day
Quella stessa società che esclude oggi una grande quantità di giovani dalla vita attiva del paese.
In questa Italia un ragazzo di 22 anni come me è troppo giovane per fare moltissime cose:
troppo giovane per laurearsi,
troppo giovane per mantenersi da solo,
troppo giovane per avere un lavoro a tempo indeterminato, e quindi anche troppo giovane per accendere un mutuo per la casa, troppo giovane per essere independent
too young even to design the future,
too young to do the job for which he has studied,
too young to run for parliament, let alone how Senator,
too young, in practice, to be part of any sector of this Italy.
This is an Italy in which, without the imposition of quotas rose, we can not guarantee that women can participate REAL and EFFECTIVE to policy and senior state and ordini professionali.
Questa è un’Italia nella quale se non hai una raccomandazione non trovi lavoro neanche con una laurea conseguita con il massimo dei voti e molteplici master;
e sei costretto a lasciare i tuoi affetti e la tua terra per scappare in chissà quale altro Paese per inseguire i tuoi sogni.
Che paese è quello che non investe nei sogni dei suoi cittadini?
Che paese è quello nel quale si applaude e si brinda alla caduta di un Governo, come se si fosse vinta chissà quale gara di tiro alla fune?
What country is the one that gives voice to the enthusiasm of its young? That does not protect his women? That does not live in dignity and their elders? That does not respect its rules and is not able to design?
When the policy ceased to be what is laid down in this wonderful phrase?
"It 's the duty of the Republic to remove obstacles to economic and social order, which constrain the freedom and equality of citizens prevent the full development of the human person and the effective participation of workers ALL organization political, economic and social development of the country. "
This is the essence of what we do every day, the sense of being here today, the meaning of that vote every now and we express the sense of our intervention. This is our mandate to you, Walter. It is this confidence that we're asking for granted. It is not a joke or a game or a career opportunity. But a challenge for you and for us to question the Italians about what concerns them, to make them part of his active political organization, to be really voice to their demands without populism and demagoguery. To re-establish a dialogue between the country and institutions.
All of this also in order to ensure that this equality between citizens and ensure there is indeed especially to us boys so disillusioned and embittered look to the coming day with new hope and the knowledge that if we earn it we have the future we want.
Why in Italy there are people NOT EQUAL TO OTHERS.
Because we want to begin to hope that not only can be done, but DO IT.
Because we want to have a say we, because we do not want to be just those that hold up the banners at events. Because we want to have someone over to give us a microphone to talk, listen to us too.
This is the responsibility and trust that you're asking us to give you, Walter, would you feel?
Obviously I hope so! So I would ask you to do with us on this flag, on which we put our signatures and a phrase that of Spinosa said: "Do not cry on our own, changing seats," a knot to symbolize the commitment you make with us today, asking you to take it with you on this journey. Ed anche di dare inizio alla nostra campagna elettorale bevendo il primo di una lunga serie di cocktail che stiamo preparando in tutte le città della provincia per incontrare i ragazzi proprio lì dove sono soliti ritrovarsi ogni giorno e che abbiamo chiamato Happy-d-hour. Sperando di poter ricevere delle risposte alle nostre infinite domande ti salutiamo con grande affetto.
Marina Nenna
Fermenti Democratici per il PD
Friday, February 22, 2008
Lakme Makeup Products
therefore publish the press release issued by our office in town on the latest developments in the investigation "Summer Tranese"
"The Political Secretariat of the Democratic Party di Trani learns the news alerts on the assurance that Tarantini involving the mayor, a former director and former City Council President and current director general, Laurora. Until the court case take its course and in any case is completed, the Democratic Party Trani strongly reaffirms the adverse opinion on the political management - administration of Mayor Tarantini.
When the electoral campaign denouncing the disastrous state of public finances, also in relation to the preparation of "pharaonic" Trani summer of 2005 and 2006 for adverse effects on the municipal budget, and then on the pockets of all citizens, we were accused of being "incompetent" and "liars." We all found the presence of additionality IRPEF payroll, we all paid so salty ICI, all are paying double the TARSU.
same time the Administration Tarantini, discharging any liability on the economic measure of the Prefectural Commissioner, said that should increase revenue by selling a portion of the real estate tax revenues and tightening.
the Democratic Party's national secretary Gary Attivissimo
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Walmart Cr2025 Batteries

A delegation of Yeasts Democrats TRANI Walter Veltroni will accompany the trip from Bari Barletta and will have the ' During a face to face interview and full of hope.

Saturday, February 16, 2008
Terrible Headache After Delivery

ROMA - Ecco in sintesi, le "dodici proposte innovative per cambiare l'Italia" che il candidato premier del Pd le ha esposte alla platea dell'assemblea costituente del Pd.
Primo . Scegliere come priorità infrastrutture e qualità ambientale. No alla protesta Nimby e sì al coinvolgimento e alla consultazione dei cittadini. Sì agli impianti per produrre energia pulita, ai rigassificatori, ai termovalorizzatori e all'Alta Velocità e al completamento della Tav.
Secondo . Innovazione del Mezzogiorno. No ad una "politica per il Mezzogiorno che disperda fondi in una miriade di programmi, mentre diciamo sì ad una drastica e veloce revisione dei programmi europei.
Terzo . Controllo della spesa pubblica. Il governo Prodi ha risanato e migliorato i conti pubblici. Per questo il nostro slogan è spendere meglio, spendere meno.
Quarto . "Fare quello che non è mai stato fatto": ridurre le tasse ai contribuenti leali ai lavoratori dipendenti e autonomi. A partire dal 2009 un punto in meno di Irpef ogni anno per tre anni
Quinto . Investire sul lavoro delle donne. Noi vogliamo trasformare il capitale umano femminile in un asso per la partita dello sviluppo.
Sesto . Il problema della casa. Aumentare le case in affitto e "costruzione di circa 700 mila nuove case da mettere sul mercato a canoni compresi tra i 300 e i 500 euro".
Settimo . Invertire il trend demografico mediante l'istituzione di una dote fiscale per il figlio. 2500 euro al primo figlio e aiuti per gli asili nido.
Ottavo . L'università. Cento nuovi campus universitari e scolastici entro il 2010.
Nono . Lotta alla precarietà, qualità del lavoro e sua sicurezza. I giovani precari dovranno raggiungere il minimo di 1.000 euro mensili.
Decimo . La sicurezza. Maggiori fondi per le forze dell'ordine e certezza della pena come uno dei cardini dell'azione di governo del centrosinistra.
Undicesimo . Giustizia e legalità. Da troppi anni c'è uno scontro nel Paese. Nell'ordinamento verrà inserito il principio della non candidabilità in Parlamento dei cittadini condannati per reati gravissimi connessi alla mafia, camorra e criminalità organizzata o per corruzione o concussione.
Dodicesimo . L'innovazione. Portare la banda larga in tutta l'Italia, garantire a tutti una tv di qualità, superare il duopolio tv e correggere gli eccessi di concentrazione delle risorse economiche.
Friday, February 15, 2008
White Lotion Discharge Means

Components of the Coordination citizen
Attivissimo Gaetano, Avantario Carlo, Giuseppe Arena, Giuseppe Bartucci, barren Biagio, Carcano Roger, Antonio Cassese, Cellucci Ross, Chieppa Grace, Cormio Valentina Martorano Cuocci-Leonardo, Farruggio Gisella Fiantanese Raffaele, Salvatore Gagliardi , Galante Rosanna, Claudia Gusmao, Iori Patrick, Laboragine Marjory Lestingi Giusy, Magliocco Francesco Mascolo Francesco, Dario Perna, Palmieri Christmas Pasquino Ussia Teresa, Quaglietta Ennia, Maurizio Sasso, Simon Angel, Strillacci Clare, Teresa Toppo, Nicola Ventura,
Provincial Assembly Delegates
Avantario Carlo, Francesco Cuna, Corraro Antonio, Croci Ornella, Fabretti Ines, Nenna Marina
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Confidential Fax Cover Statement
non c'è nulla di male nell'avere un sogno..forse ci possiamo ancora credere.
“La storia siamo noi”
La storia siamo noi, nessuno si senta offeso,
siamo noi questo prato di aghi sotto il cielo.
La storia siamo noi, attenzione, nessuno si senta escluso.
La storia siamo noi, siamo noi queste onde nel mare,
questo rumore che rompe il silenzio,
questo silenzio così duro da masticare.
E poi ti dicono "Tutti sono uguali,
tutti rubano alla stessa maniera".
But it is just a way to convince you to stay indoors when it is closed in the evening.
But the story does not really stop in front of a door,
history enters into the chambers, burning,
wrong and gives the story speaks for itself.
we are history, we who write letters,
us that we have everything to win, everything to lose.
And then the people, (because it's the people doing the story)
when it comes to choosing and go,
you find them all with the eyes open,
they know exactly what to do.
Those who have read millions of books
and those who can not even speak,
and that is why the story creepy,
because nobody can stop it.
we are history, we are fathers and sons,
us, nice hello, we're leaving.
The story has no hiding places, the story does not pass
we are history, we are this pot of wheat. Francesco De Gregori
Monday, February 11, 2008
Difference True Fake Breast
Starting from here, from this square, from this village, behind this magnificent Italian landscape is a way of saying what we think, not the fate of this or that leader, not this or that party, but the fate of Italy, al nostro Paese, alla sua struggente e meravigliosa bellezza e alla sua storia grande e tormentata, alle gravi difficoltà del suo presente e alle straordinarie potenzialità del suo futuro.E’ un modo per metterci in sintonia con quelle che sono state chiamate le correnti profonde della storia. Perché tutti noi viviamo, giorno per giorno, sulle increspature superficiali, quelle sulle quali si scatenano le tempeste e poi si distendono le bonacce. Ma è solo se scendiamo più in profondità, che possiamo provare a capire dove il mare della storia ci sta portando.Le correnti profonde della storia non sono fenomeni fisici, anonimi, che ci sovrastano e ci schiacciano. Sono vite concrete di donne e uomini in carne e ossa, sono i nostri padri e i Our grandparents, who through their day we join with those of our children and our grandchildren. They are the memory that you hope, the past is open to the future and through this fills him with senso.Sembra to see her from up here, the extraordinary story and hard, harsh and painful, of our people of our country. A people who for centuries worked the land, as he tamed, softened, humanized. And has enhanced the natural beauty of Italy - from the Mediterranean coast, through the hills and the great plains to the Alps - with an immense wealth of villages and castles, cathedrals and temples, villas and people of palazzi.Nessun land has inherited much from his ancestors. And no people, better than ours, is in a position to understand how the economic development not only does not conflict, but can and must marry the quality of vita.Troppo long economic growth and environmental protection, urban expansion and protection of heritage, culture and even labor, employment and education, were designed as opposing values, as if it were a threat to one another. But now we realized that only if these values \u200b\u200bare promoted together. The development environment is not against development. But also vice versa: a defense of the environment is reduced to the propagation of constraints and vetoes against the growth is sterile and loser. E Instead, a new environmentalism, environmentalism is a positive, a "making of environmentalism," as we called it, contained in a new culture of sustainability and quality of life, can become a formidable asset for development. Let the sun is not only an alternative to oil for the health of the Earth, but one of the main driver of growth domani.Questa modernity is that we like. What unites the increase in GDP to the quality of life and the protection of natura.In a world that is becoming smaller and where billions of women and men, despite a thousand contradictions and enormous inequalities between, we are finally ushering by stars of the new global context, Italy will remain leader only if it can and will have the ambition to aim for leadership in the development of quality. Even this way, our memory can change in our speranza.La Quality is our uniqueness. It 's the only thing that nobody can clone or relocate. The quality is Italy. And Italy is qualità.Non be afraid of the new. The future is the only time where we can go. But our country, its political and institutional mechanisms, seem to fear new things. Seem paralyzed by the demon of conservatism. They seem to think that the job of deciding who can be only to postpone; the job of those in power is only to use it to put vetoes, posts, thwart the wonder that is new. The new rising talent, science, the energy of women and uomini.Il Our country must return to have desire for the future. A new generation of Italians Italy calls for a more open and dynamic, young and mobile. Italy of the new millennium, not the end of the century Italy precedente.L 'Italy of listening and research, Italy rigor and accountability, Italy and beyond the duties of diritti.L' Italy social mobility and not corporatism asfissianti.L 'Italy of the research, science and technology and not the fences ideologici.L' Italy of legality and not of furbizia.L 'Italy found that the values, the sense of his greatness and pride of sé.Perché a human community can not live without values, without the reasons that illuminate the path and provide a collective sense of cose.Non can be a company that knows "the price, but not the value of things." A company arid, in which human relationships are purely instrumental and lives crushed by selfishness, insecurity and solitudine.Oggi the country, who lives and speaks with the Italians know, it seems dark, afraid. Seems to have lost the certainty that tomorrow will be better than today. Certainty that is the vital energy of a community. The energy that is found in the stories of that generation that rebuilt after the war Italy. The farmers knew and hoped that their son did not have a destiny bound, wishing that one day could have gone to seek his fortune in the city, and become a laborer, a clerk, an immigrant insegnante.Gli hoped and knew that they or their children a day they would return to their country peacefully and respected for his work away from casa.Operai and talented artisans put on workshops and factories then, identifying original new products and techniques. Their condition has changed so sociale.Il country rolled up their sleeves, but could hardly smile at the future he was building. The country was running, animated by a spirit of trust and solidarity, not locked dalle divisioni politiche e ideologiche, assai più drammatiche, allora, di quanto non siano oggi.E' quello spirito che dobbiamo ritrovare.L'orgoglio di essere italiani, la voglia di correre, di rischiare, di conquistare nuove frontiere e nuove possibilità.Mai come oggi la scienza ci ha dato la possibilità di migliorare la nostra vita.Ogni anno la sua durata media si allunga di qualche mese. Gli italiani che cercavano le foto della famiglia tra le macerie delle case bombardate vivevano in media poco più di sessant’anni. Oggi viviamo vent’anni di più, e i dati demografici dicono che nel 2017 gli ultraottantenni saranno quasi raddoppiati.La nostra vita media è più lunga perché ci curiamo meglio, perché c'è less poverty, because despite what you think about water, air and food are more controllati.Viviamo longer because we live meglio.So say that this contrasts somewhat 'with the cliché that the past is always better than today . But it is precisely this that we must remain liberare.Non with the head turned backwards at a past that we must recognize the magnitude and from which, as we said, we can find stimuli. But instead we live fully today and we look to futuro.Oggi have immense possibilities: to know, to know, to travel and communicate, to scoprire.Eppure. Yet we seem lost. Because we have lost the sense of things. Because we were told for years that the others are just competitors, even enemies. That's destiny does not concern us. And so we lost the collective will to seek, to take risks, cambiare.La of Italian society in the time of its maximum possible dynamic seems to stop, riveted by the spirit of conservation, by the logic of veto. Of one and the other a certain policy is the highest political responsabile.Una the same day that a man who does honor to Italy, Umberto Veronesi, indicated new paths for the future of fighting cancer, gave a sad spectacle of himself with those crowds and those who spit in the Senate have given an image of Italy that does not deserve and we do not want to see. And be sure that some senator will find hospitality in list. Those screams are the ugliest expression of a policy without roots in Italian history, turned in on itself, lacking the desire to take risks, to meet the challenges of burning once again. Inability to do what the President Napolitano has never stopped spending energy and wisdom: give priority to the good of the country, in the first place love for the institutions. What the last few weeks have not had to choose their alleged convenience, but the rewriting of our common principles: an electoral law for the stability and the reduction of fragmentation of the political system, a single legislative chamber, la riduzione del numero dei Parlamentari e dei costi della politica.Si è scelto altro. E noi siamo pronti.E' all'Italia vera, che noi parliamo.Verrà presto, tra solo sei giorni all’Assemblea Costituente del Partito democratico, il tempo di tornare a parlare il linguaggio asciutto e severo dei programmi. Il tempo di spiegare e chiarire le nostre proposte, e di ribadire ad esempio che oggi è possibile ridurre le tasse, perché la lotta all’evasione ha dato risultati. Io rimango della mia idea: pagare meno, pagare tutti. Oggi, grazie al lavoro del governo Prodi, possiamo fare quello che non è mai stato fatto. Quello, gli italiani lo sanno, che è stato ogni volta annunciato ai quattro venti, ma non realizzato. Verrà the time to tell Italians what is our duty to say this is our project to change the country, these are the things we do to address problems and find the soluzioni.E we say looking into the eyes of Italy, because we decided unilaterally to run free. Free, rather than to finally soli.Liberi not mediate words, do not mitigate the possible changes, not to give up what is believed giusto.Guardiamo Italy in the eyes and say, begins a new era. The time for the courage and change. The time of decision and responsibility. The eyes of the Italians have seen too much hate and division in these anni.Unire Italy, restore strength and pride of sé.Ritrovare the desire of the new that is the vital energy of a comunità.Chi, most of us, most of the Italians, it can combine the past and future? Italy must be united. The hatred and the divisions of recent years have made us lose opportunities importanti.Non we wanted to understand what is natural for example in the great Anglo-Saxon democracy: you need to write all the rules of the game to be able to compete for the government in the distinction programs and values. Also in the knowledge that there is one thing more important than any other: the general interest, the good of Italy and Italians. Now we need to get back on cammino.Perché there are two Italys separated by invisible walls. Neither is right to put on regions, cities, and even the houses on the heads of the Italians of the flags of colors diversi.Gli Italians do not "belong" to anyone but themselves. They belong to their conscience, your mind, your heart. And so will decide on 13 aprile.Di one thing is for sure: Italians want out of confusion, instability and immobility. They want a season nuova.L 'Italy should leave hatred and choose speranza.L' Italy must not fear nuovo.La memory and then printed in the Italian countryside, the beautiful landscape that is behind me, tells the story of 'hundred cities of Italy: a history of heroic struggles for freedom and, together, of cruel civil wars. Florence against Siena. And in Florence, the Guelphs against the Ghibellines. And Guelph Guelph blacks against whites, gradually breaking up and fragmenting. As if freedom could not succeed except against the unit. And what if the unit were inevitably involve the sacrifice of freedom. A fracture that never completely reconstructed and has cost too many times to Italy the price of subservience to other powers, to humiliating stranieri.E domains instead it's when they moved motivated by the desire for unity, that the Italians have made things more large. It 's so that a land divided into small kingdoms, grand duchies and foreign domains has become a nation thanks to those who imagined that there was, who struggled to achieve it. It 's so that Italy is out of the darkness of dictatorship, the shame of racial laws, from the abyss of war with women and men who had the courage and morality to put the freedom of their country ahead of everything before their own lives. United under the flag, under the Italian flag. United in Resistance: the active one of the partisans, the silent of the deportees, the work of many who were able to just open the door to those seeking aiuto.L 'other day, the same evening in which we presented the new website of the Democratic Party, is arrived an email. A few lines to tell a piece of our history. "I remember with great nostalgia - the letter said - when my grandfather took me to see the horse in the stable, I had four or five years. She told me many stories, but I remember it very well. It 'the one where he had hidden in the stable group of partisans who escaped to a round-fascist and had risked his life and that of her entire family. But he had done and he told me that I still remember like it was the most obvious thing. Faced with the defense of freedom and their homeland there is no hesitation, do what you must do and that's it. I never thank you enough for these stories, some which still I recall with pleasure the 51 years, are part of me I bring myself to myself. I wish the Democratic Party had these tastes real, authentic. "This is Italy. Italy went on like this. So it has become a great democracy, a cornerstone of the new united Europe, the utopia of Spinelli become reality. Italy has built the best, the tests gave the best of themselves, when everyone, from those who had the greatest responsibility to the simplest person, was able to treat more than anything else in the national interest, has been able to do so in more natural, "like the obvious thing," what they felt giusto, ciò che serviva davvero al Paese. E’ così, unita, che l’Italia è uscita dagli anni di piombo. Avevano il tricolore in mano, quei lavoratori che la mattina del 16 marzo del ’78 riempirono le piazze d’Italia contro gli assassini che aveva lasciato a terra cinque ragazzi delle forze dell’ordine e avevano portato via un uomo di stato e di dialogo come Aldo Moro. Con il senso di quella unità il terrorismo è stato sconfitto.E’ di uno spirito così che il Paese ha bisogno. La priorità sono gli interessi nazionali, non quelli di parte. Oggi come ieri. Oggi che, come un albero sotto il peso della neve, l’Italia appare piegata, oppressa, legata da nodi strutturali che nessuno sembra in grado di sciogliere. Sono trascorsi ormai quasi vent’anni dal crollo del Muro di Berlino e dalla crisi definitiva della politica ideologica. L’Italia ha conosciuto l’alternanza al governo e la competizione bipolare tra centrodestra e centrosinistra. Ma non è ancora riuscita a liberarsi dai fantasmi di quella stagione.Da quasi quindici anni, questi due schieramenti si sono alternati alla guida del Paese. Hanno fatto cose buone e meno buone. Ma nessuno dei due è mai riuscito a vincere le elezioni per due volte di seguito. Ogni volta la delusione per chi stava al governo ha spinto gli elettori a premiare l’opposizione.Il bipolarismo che abbiamo conosciuto in questi anni si è dimostrato incapace di uscire dallo schema dello scontro ideologico. L’ideologia was no longer there, but it is as if politics was not able to give up his waste: the culture of the enemy, the Manichean dualism, the demonization of the opponent, sometimes a true feeling of hatred, at least preached and ostentatious , against the other party. "We will not prisoners," is the famous phrase of a Minister of Defence: Year of Our Lord 1996. Italy was not at war with anyone, fortunately, so there were no enemy at the gates to threaten. Italy was entering the two-party political, mimicking the tone and language of a civil war. Two more endless alliances, sharing more excited by the desire to beat the opponent, che da un chiaro programma di interventi incisivi e netti sui mali strutturali del Paese.Non sorprende che in questi anni nessuno di questi mali sia stato affrontato in modo risolutivo: non il debito, non lo squilibrio Nord-Sud, non i ritardi delle infrastrutture, non l’inefficienza della pubblica amministrazione. Le cose buone che pure sono state fatte sono state fatte quasi sempre sull’onda dell’emergenza, a cominciare dalla spettacolare rimonta che all’Italia governata da Romano Prodi, nel tempo del primo Ulivo, nella stagione più feconda della recente storia italiana, consentì di centrare l’obiettivo dell’ingresso da subito nell’Euro. Ma la politica in questi anni non è riuscita a imprimere forza, to pursue those great reforms, liberalization and modernization of those which Italy needs. It is not surprising then that people are discovering a growing impatience with the political system of a bombastic and ineffectual, powerless and intrusive, expensive and divisive politics inefficiente.Una the country, rather than add it to cope with the problems of all. A policy that not only divides between left and right, but also between North and South, between Italians and immigrants, and self-employed fathers and sons, between secular and cattolici.La vast majority of Italians are tired of politics as this , which creates a conflict exacerbated and uses it as an excuse to not address the real problems of the country: how to restart economic growth, such as restarting the elevator of social mobility, how to capitalize on talent and merit, by expanding the spaces of personal freedom, as a decision to give power back democrazia.Gli Italians are fed up of small and narrow-minded interests . Recognize the simplistic solutions to problems complicated. They understand when few minorities seek to impose their vision as if it were an indisputable truth, regardless of the fact that it is only fueling divisions, conflicts, conflicts that lead nowhere. Against each other with guns. Always and forever. Whatever It costi.Gli Italians want more. They deserve more. Why are altro.L 'Italy should not be rialzare. L’Italia è in piedi. Sono in piedi gli italiani.E’ la politica che si deve rialzare.Gli italiani sono i milioni di donne e di uomini che ogni giorno faticano e lavorano, e che a volte per quel lavoro, con indosso una divisa o addirittura una tuta da operaio, rischiano la vita.Gli italiani sono gli imprenditori che hanno le idee, che hanno il coraggio di spendersi in prima persona per vederle realizzate, che scelgono la strada della qualità e dell’innovazione, che mettono tutta la tenacia e tutta la capacità di lavorare per ore e ore ogni giorno nel progetto in cui credono. Gli italiani sono i ragazzi che studiano, che investono su stessi, che non si perdono d’animo anche quando si accorgono che per salire devono spendere a hundred times more energy than others, because there are still too where you are born and why the social elevator that intelligence and preparation would allow them to take funziona.Gli Italians are not the teachers who, despite poor pay and conditions, do not give up to see their job as a mission, because they know that they are able to make a difference in the life of a child, a boy, especially where there are more difficult situations, where life is harder. The Italians are the people who volunteered to spend the more vulnerable and in need, caring for others, who know that this fills my life a lot more than having the latest in pocket phone model or appear for a few minutes in some program televisivo.Gli Italians are the people who are holding firm in silence and with dignity, who may make a thousand sacrifices to keep their family, but do not give up honesty, to respect the laws, welcome, solidarity towards one's neighbor as well as to those coming from a country lontano.Questa fatigue, these hopes, this generosity does not deserve to disappear under the cloud of words and the noise of the political struggle. Wonderful places like this, our cities, all our communities, do not deserve to be divided by political barriers and then defined by labels or flags colorate.Per this was born the Democratic Party. Per unire l’Italia. Per provare a superare una volta per sempre la politica faziosa e settaria. Per raccogliere le energie migliori del Paese attorno ad un programma di riforme che affrontino i mali strutturali che lo affliggono da troppo tempo.Per dare alla politica un respiro nuovo. La politica è impastata di tre ingredienti. C’è la lotta per il potere, per l’affermazione di sé o della propria parte contro le altre. Una lotta che usa la forza come l’astuzia, lo scontro in campo aperto come l’intrigo.Forse è impossibile che la politica si liberi del tutto di questa dimensione. Ma guai se la politica si riduce solo a lotta per la conquista e la conservazione del potere. Guai se dimentica che il potere è un mezzo e non un fine. Così la politica finisce per perdere il suo senso, il suo scopo. Per diventare, talvolta, prepotente e corrotta. E finisce per annullare le due altre dimensioni, che sono invece la parte bella della politica, quella che può far innamorare, che può riempire di senso una vita intera.E’ la politica intesa come lotta per grandi principi e grandi valori: la libertà, la giustizia, la pace. Ideali grandi, per i quali si può dare la propria vita, donandola ogni giorno nella fatica dell’impegno quotidiano, o addirittura accettando di perderla, pur di non tradire in nome della vita ciò che alla vita dà significato.Ed è la politica come impegno concreto per risolvere i problemi quotidiani delle persone, per rendere più lieve la vecchiaia, la malattia, la solitudine, per incoraggiare la speranza di una giovane coppia che pensa di mettere al mondo un figlio ma prima deve risolvere la sua prima preoccupazione, quella della casa; per aumentare le opportunità per chi vuole mettere alla prova i propri talenti.La politica è rapporto con la vita reale dei cittadini.La politica è ben poco, se non capisce la preoccupazione di una madre e di un padre che si domandano che tipo di educazione e di ambiente civile riusciranno a garantire al proprio bambino. Se non sente sua l’ansia di un anziano pensionato costretto a fare i salti mortali quando a fine a mese arriva la bolletta del riscaldamento. Se non dà risposta alla domanda angosciata di un operaio che vuol sapere se entries are true, announcing the closure of its factory because production moved elsewhere, in a country where you can pay even lower wages and fewer still care conditions sicurezza.Se not see the concern of an entrepreneur who do the job is having to fight against many difficulties: the red tape, the tax burden, lack of infrastructure, with a state that often seems to be his enemy. The policy is shortsighted, he can not look away, if only cares about those who have collateral and neglects the questions and the life of a young graduate who does not know what to do, whether to try to win a Ph.D. and continue to study, to make what he likes and why he is moved, or be realistic and look for just any job, even precarious, even underpaid. Forced to choose life, that of insecurity, which is theft of the future. For an entire generazione.La policy is shortsighted if he does not understand that a disabled child, autistic or down, is the creature in the world who need to have the company close, to feel the supportive community. If you do not know that there is a public expenditure that can never be cut: one for loro.Nessuna of these people expect that a government can solve all their problems. But each of them, rightly calls listening, asking for attention, respect, and wants to have the perception that some of its specific problems they are facing really. The Democratic Party was born for this. Reciprocating his love to make good policy, what an extraordinary day of October three and a half million people have driven by their passion, with their participation. The Democratic Party was created to give women and men and even more girls and boys of our country if we are confident that together we can change politics and change Italy. The choice is between the past and futuro.Dobbiamo believe in what Italy can essere.Conosciamo the challenges we face. What has prevented us from winning in the legislature that has just ended traumatically, it is not was the lack of sound policies, and even of women and men capable of. It 'was the division. A uniform policy has proved to be too small before the greatness of this sfide.Per the Democratic Party has decided to break the old political scheme, to think only of the great alliances to defeat your opponent, and to pave the way for a new bipolar based on the primacy of the programs and ensure their implementation. We present Italians with a clear proposal for a government program, a leadership, a cohesive team and affiatata.Lo're seeing. After our decision everything was in motion. Even in the field. But look carefully what happens in their ranks: they are worried "how to" win, not the "why" to win. How to organize themselves better, not what to offer back to Italy, what to do again for italiani.D 'other hand already have governed Italy for seven years, only to return and offer to do so, just as before. We want to turn pagina.Noi say: Do not change a government, to change Italy.'s start. We begin to do it together. Transform Italy. We can be the generation of Italians, the future of our children and our grandchildren will look with pride, saying "they did what they had, they did it thinking of us." It certainly will not just me. I will not be, not only I believe in change, to strive to achieve it, to want to do the things necessary. It's up to us. It's up to millions of Italians. It depends on us, what we can do together. What with Italy faremo.Una modern, serene, fast, right. You can fare.Questi two months we will travel, including all the 110 Italian provinces, all the beauty and the wonderful diversity of Paese.Questi two months will be the most exciting that we have to live our hopes and give substance to our sogni.Non are the hopes and dreams of pochi.Sono the hopes and dreams of millions of people, which together will change Italy. The hope, the dream words that some consider naive, abstract, ill-suited to politics and its needs realismo.Ma of "hope" means to imagine something that does not exist and efforts to make this possible. What more beautiful in life? The hope, confidence in the future, is the engine of change that serves Italy. It 's why I am innocent. Not to hold an office. And I ask you in the coming months, which party do not think, but at what a great country and Paese.Facciamo lieve.Una Italy you do not die to work. In which to study and take is easy. In which women and men find themselves the desire to travel together and secure the future. Where policy rediscover the courage to risk the new. elnig maybe one day we will remember that here, today, in a beautiful Italian Sunday, it all started.
Monday, February 4, 2008
Gangster Nicknames 2009

Having spent many months watching and reading many articles and resolutions on the fate of our youth and our future in the structure of the nascent party, I wanted to make quick thoughts on what we are now and perhaps we should be.
Based on my experience I have now accepted the challenge of the new party and that albeit that revolved around it. In my city we have now tried to create a cohesive group to make us feel but is still very difficult.
difficulties, we do not hide, there is little data that is coming from two different realities. We are not even certain that everything will be homogeneous in the future so we are trying. Subject to the natural internal problems of organization, I will be fearful about the fate of us boys and spaces that will be given. The principles for which the PD had been established will be fully guaranteed? "I hope that the creation of fermentation can not turn away from the adults and give us adequate space to give advice not only advisory in nature, but an active part in the round.
honestly despite being one of the initiators of the formation of city bustle and I always thought that should not be considered only as a Kinderheim.
I hope that the new youth and a means to accommodate the young and bring them to the policy and not something detached from party context.
In the past, the youth movement was a kind of "gym" where ripen any political figures or leaders of tomorrow. should be a body that has its proper place within the coordination at all levels. If the PD has underlined its innovative spirit and has walked hand in this. especially during the primaries, thrilling a considerable number of young people who have approached this world must be able to protect all the forces that are making the new youth movement is not excluded, however, the entire structure of the Democratic Party leadership at all latitudes.
The cultures should not only deal with issues of youth, but must be placed in position to assist with the growth of the party and country.
The coordination of PD must be able to find a formula that guarantees the presence of green sap inside the national coordination and not only, otherwise disattenderà any kind of expectations that has made it possible, during October 14 , the flow of new forces, hope for a different future.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
'how To Make A Model Of A Church
Yesterday afternoon, in the Assembly of Ato consortium for waste management of the basin Bari / 1 (which includes the cities of Andria, Barletta, Bisceglie, Canosa di Puglia, Corato, Ruvo di Puglia, Molfetta, Terlizzi and Trani) was elected as chairman of the mayor of Trani, Dr.. Giuseppe Tarantini. Executive committee were elected mayor Maffei Barletta, the mayor of Canosa fan, the mayor of Corato Perrone and finally the mayor of Ruvo Stragapede. During the meeting, the provincial branch of the commissioner, Dr. Carone, submitted the plan of the provincial waste authorities for the Bari basin / 1, which includes among others the creation of Trani in a plant for the production of Cdr. The day yesterday, as you said in a statement from the palace of the city, "represents a milestone nel percorso di autonomia per la chiusura autosufficiente del ciclo dei rifiuti". RADIO BOMBO
Friday, January 25, 2008
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Waxing For Men In Bangkok

Ci aspettavamo un PUG di qualità in grado di sostenere una nuova strategia di sviluppo economico della città, sia nei settori tradizionali dell’attività produttiva, sia nei settori dei servizi e del turismo; Una programmazione di interventi mirati sul patrimonio storico e ambientale con la previsione di nuove infrastrutture, per rendere la città più efficiente and accessible.
We expected projects in the transportation system, the countryside, the new province, on culture.
We were expecting a level of "Opportunities for All", instead we are faced with a plan of "opportunity for some."
A real disappointment, because if you dig carefully, we find that the pug is used by some to "make populism," saying yes to all, and the other to "make money" fact, not needed nothing to discover that they become owners of land built on, because you do not can build quickly, but in return you will be forced to pay taxes (Ici, registry, VAT, income tax, IRES, IRAP) as if it were already built.
When citizens in possession of land and people looking for jobs in the construction industry will wake up from the illusions fabricated by the majority that rules the town, encounter harsh on their skin damage and insult for having to pay for something they did not.
There is great disappointment because they are key points in programming, does not have as central the quality of life of citizens, let alone is the principle of sustainability of weather that could develop on an ecological network, the sealing of the soil or a landscape analysis of the impact of current and future infrastructure.
There is so much disappointment on the non-participation in collective yet - there are issues that concern not only the majority or the Mayor who have made decisions, the strong logic of numbers and the consent of that party politically close, ignoring the comments of professional associations, opposition parties, associations and ordinary citizens ..
The PUG has not considered sustainable development of the city, does not find any guidance planned urban development and housing, but only a general structural plan of the city exclusively oriented to overbuilding.
There is no doubt that we must foster economic revival through the construction industry city driving sector of the economy, but we can not accept that this is done through a clear and unacceptable speculation.
The area of \u200b\u200burban sectors, through a cynical bargaining has been reduced to coincide with the surface of the housing estates and thus has not only thwarted the equalization, but it has lost any chance to draw executive development plans that would allow a complete urbanization of the districts.
The city waited for years for a PUG new, modern, enabling sustainable development in each district of the city, but this PUG is a clear use for a long and cynical speculation.
This led us to produce four pages of specific observations and timely divided into 13 points. But "the occupiers" in power have refused the transparency of decisions and we have responded with "medium line".
If this were not enough, a majority of shots, some of the councilors, without letto le osservazioni, senza aver chiesto chiarimenti o fatto commenti su quanto scritto sul documento presentato all’amministrazione comunale, ha votato alla “cieca”.
Non rendendosi conto che il progettista del piano non ha risposto minimamente ad alcuna questione posta da noi nell’interesse pubblico, i Consiglieri Comunali della maggioranza si sono assunti la responsabilità personale di giudicare negativamente quanto da noi affermato sulla:
· non compatibilità del PUG adottato con il pubblico interesse e la vigente disciplina, nonché la sostenibilità delle trasformazioni previste in termini di qualità urbana, di paesaggio e di rispetto per le diverse componenti ambientali;
· non coerenza fra PUG e documento programmatico preliminare;
· Sul fatto che il PUG non preveda il rispetto delle percentuali minime pari al 40% di edilizia residenziale pubblica in tutti i quartieri della città, come prescritto dalla Legge n. 10/77;
Questi i più importanti punti delle Osservazioni, portate formalmente a conoscenza del Sindaco, ed a cui non è stata data alcuna risposta.
Pertanto Coordination of the Democratic Party di Trani, noted the lack of response to comments PUG, calls taken the measures necessary for a careful and exhaustive review of the charge produced by the Citizens and comments from all stakeholders collective, if not anticipated that you will be forced to use the premises responsible for ensuring the 'legitimate interest of citizens and the meeting and avoid harmful speculation.