the ordinary supplement No The Official Gazette No. 415 55, 8 March 2010 was published on February 15, 2010 Legislative Decree No 31 ( framework of localization, implementation and operation of the national territory of plants producing nuclear power, of nuclear fuel fabrication facilities, systems, storage of spent fuel and radioactive waste , as well as' compensatory measures and information campaigns to the public, in accordance with Article 25 of the Law of 23 July 2009, n. 99 ).
The decree, therefore, is issued on the basis of the authority granted by Parliament, with the 'Article 25 of Law 23 July 2009, No 99 (Provisions for the development and internationalization of enterprises, as well as' on energy), published in Ordinary Supplement No Official Gazette No. 136 of 176 of 31.07.2009 and entered into force August 15, 2009. The same law, Article 26 gives the CIPE (Interministerial Committee for Economic Planning) to request define, by its resolution, the types of plants for the production of nuclear electricity that can be implemented in the national territory and to identify policies and measures aimed at encouraging the creation of consortia for the construction and operation of these plants; Those consortia should be formed by persons of electricity producers and industry players.
In any case, the decree states that by June 23, 2010 the Council of Ministers will adopt a policy document which will be with the strategic objectives outlined in the nuclear , including, primarily, the protection against ionizing radiation and nuclear safety. The document indicates the total power and the expected timing of construction and commissioning of nuclear facilities and the operations to be carried out in research and training and assess the contribution of nuclear energy in terms of security and energy diversification and reduction of emissions and emissions of greenhouse gases and economic and social benefits; outline Finally, the guidelines of the process of realization of the plants themselves (Article 3).
In June, therefore, we will know better what we're going to encounter.
For the moment, we only know that given the location of nuclear plants to produce electricity and manufacture of nuclear fuel will be determined according to a list set of requirements (listed in Article 8 and published on the website of the Ministry of Economic Development), with which to identify and then certify the sites identified as "potentially destined" to host nuclear plants.
Therefore, the construction and operation of plants will be possible by obtaining a single authorization, which will also have value certifying the suitability of the same operator proposing, on the basis of technical capacity and financial strength (Article 13 ). The question arises whether the same proposer of two different systems will be certified twice.
to be licensed by the Ministry of Economic Development and will be valid indefinitely, unless otherwise provided by the same Ministry. The issue of will be hiring the same constraint on the part of the payment of benefits in favor of persons residing and businesses operating in the area surrounding the nuclear plant site and the local authorities concerned, at the expense of the exclusive companies involved in construction or operation of facilities and infrastructure, the single object (Article 23).
the decommissioning at the end of the cycle or end of life, will be entrusted to a special purpose company, Sogin SpA, which will also maintain safe the same and the construction and operation of the national repository of radioactive waste and the Technology Park (26).
Without going into too much technical detail, what is perhaps at this time of economic crisis can actually be of interest is whether nuclear power plants to serve, from the point of view of supply energy, economic and whether they are really feasible and if so, should constitute a new sector for the economic recovery, to replace the construction industry is in decline. It seems clear, however, that the industry will be to shoulder the burden of production of the energy needed for its development, a burden which of course will fall on the purchasers of their goods industries. In the usual vicious circle is created in order to reduce the cost of the products, the industry will sell additional power produced specially and will be forced to buy it who will continue to be excluded from the power to produce energy for itself: the so-called 'customers Conditional , namely usual small private- consumers. They will also assume the cost that people will support energy-producing plants to achieve near their homes.
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