The Legislative Decree 152/2006 (Environmental Regulations) reiterated, for the waste, the requirement to submit the annual report, drawn up on the special form to be sent to the Chamber of Commerce responsible for the area, known as MUDs (Article 189 paragraph 3). With the additions introduced by Legislative Decree January 16, 2008, No 4 , was announced the inroduzione of a computer system for the traceability of waste and has been provided for the mandatory fitting and use of electronic equipment, by the person who makes in the business of collecting and transporting waste traders and brokers of waste without holding, businesses and institutions that carry out recovery operations and waste disposal, the consortium for the recovery and recycling of specific categories of waste, businesses and institutions the original producers of hazardous and non-hazardous waste from industrial and artisanal (including treatment waste). They relieve the enterprises and institutions that produce non-hazardous waste, forestry, demolition and excavation, from trade and services. In any case, are not subject to the Sistri firms and the original producers who have no more than ten employees.
The new information system, called Sistri (control system of traceability 'waste) is managed by the Carabinieri of the Environment and will become operational between July 12 and 11 August 2010, respectively for the different stakeholders (as required by Article 1 of DM December 17, 2009 , pubblicato sul Supplemento ordinario n. 10 alla Gazzetta ufficiale n. 9, del 13 gennaio 2010, come modificato dal DM 15 febbraio 2010 , pubblicato sulla Gazzetta ufficiale n. 48 del 27 febbraio 2010).
I soggetti interessati, tuttavia, dovranno iscriversi al SISTRI prima della sua entrata in vigore, cioè tra il 29 marzo e il 28 aprile 2010, date entrambe anteriori alla scadenza per la presentazione del MUD (fissata al 30 aprile di ogni anno successivo all'anno di riferimento, ai sensi dell'articolo 6 della law January 25, 1994, No 70 ).
Upon completion of the application process, stakeholders will be given an electronic device for safe access from your desk to the computer system (USB) , each station including means of transport (in this case the device is called "black box") and, for each USB device, the user ID (username), password to access the system, the password to unlock the device (PIN) code and the personal unblocking (PUK). (Article 3 of Ministerial Decree 17 December 2009)
The devices will be suitable to allow the transmission of data to electronically sign and store the information provided on the device itself and can hold up to three electronic certificates associated with many individuals, identified during the application process as "delegates", which will be generated electronic signature
costs for the purchase and installation the SIM card will be required, of course, be borne by the parties responsible, against payment of an annual fee (Article 4 of Decree 17 December 2009).
Data should be provided, as the case two days or ten days after these operations. (Article 5 of Decree 17 December 2009)
plan also provides for simplified procedures (Article 7 of Decree 17 December 2009).
For the transitional period, it is expected that by December 31, 2010, subjects were required to the presentation of the MUD, to make that report Sistri of information for the year 2010, OPERATIONAL previous' system Sistri.
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