Sunday, August 30, 2009

Katesplayground Gallery

Alfabetizzazione mediatica, economia competitiva della conoscenza, società dell'informazione inclusiva

These are the issues contained in the Recommendation 625 European Commission on 20 August 2009, published in the Official Journal of the European Union on 29 August, which addresses the issue of digital television.

scrolling text, understand it to literacy is meant an opportunity to be informed about what is happening throughout Union, while the news are currently limited to very limited areas, national, regional or even local. For knowledge economy , however, it seems that is the ability of citizens to make informed choices and different as consumers of media and thus contribute to what competitiveness of the European audiovisual and content.

Media literacy, reports the recommendation, è oggi considerata una delle condizioni indispensabili per una cittadinanza attiva e per prevenire e ridurre i rischi di esclusione dalla vita sociale: in questo senso, dunque, si parla di informazione inclusiva .

Nella medesima Raccomandazione, alla tecnologia digitale viene dato lo stesso valore della rete internet, come mezzo per creare e diffondere immagini, informazioni e contenuti; in tal senso, il digitale diverrebbe una condizione essential to the independence and pluralism of the media and would have a positive impact on the values \u200b\u200bof diversity, tolerance, transparency, equality and dialogue. The process could be developed to include media literacy into school curricula and teaching non-official society as a whole would contribute to mutual literacy.

Achieving an appropriate level of media literacy, as recommended, would be achieved through a series of requirements by both institutions by economic actors, the first should care to adopt codes of conduct and protection of personal data, to monitor and digital information to be included in school curricula information on events of significance (conferences and public events), the latter, however, should organizing systems to the choice of content information (search engines), maintain clear boundaries between information and advertising (business information?) and stimulate creativity in the people, spreading in a clear and understandable to all the rules on the processing of personal data and copyright.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Difference Between Regular And Magnum

Rifiuti: una "nuova" direttiva.

will be implemented by 2010 the new directive on waste.

New to a certain point, because it seems to introduce principles of revolutionary nor particularly innovative compared to what should have been already been implemented for some time (at least in Italy).

The novelty is perhaps the criteria transparency e di partecipazione , non previsti fino ad oggi e in base ai quali l’elaborazione della normativa e della politica dei rifiuti deve avvenire in modo pienamente trasparente, nel rispetto delle norme nazionali vigenti in materia di consultazione e partecipazione dei cittadini e dei soggetti interessati.

Quanto, invece, alla materia che riguarda più closely the management of waste, the Directive sets out measures to protect the environment and human health, preventing or reducing the negative impacts of production and waste management, reducing overall impacts of resource use and improving their effectiveness. Duqnque, slaute respect, respect for the environment, prevention of waste production, rational use of resources is as before: there are, in fact, special news.

The definition of waste will not change: we consider refusal any substance or object which the holder discards or intends or is required to discard.

stressed the waste hierarchy, which order of priorities that must be complied with by legislation and policy on prevention and waste management, with a clarification on the distinction between reuse, recycling and recovery:

a) prevention;

b) preparing for reuse;

c) recycling;

d) other recovery, eg energy recovery;

e) disposal.

This hierarchy can not be met, according to the directive when it is justified by life-cycle, in the overall impacts of production and management of such waste.

is made clearer by the definition of product : una sostanza od oggetto derivante da un processo di produzione il cui scopo primario non sia la produzione di tale articolo; un sottoprodotto dunque:

a) viene ulteriormente utilizzato; oppure

b) può essere utilizzato direttamente senza alcun ulteriore trattamento diverso dalla normale pratica industriale;

c) was produced as part of a production process;

d) its further use, shall meet, for the specific use, all the relevant requirements relating to products and the protection of health and the environment, without leading to overall adverse environmental or human health.

A refusal, however, may cease to be such when, after it has been subjected in a recovery, including recycling, luogoa give a product that meets specific criteria:

a) is commonly used for specific purposes;

b) there is a market or demand for that product

c) meets the requirements technical standards for the specific purposes and meets the regulations and the standards applicable to existing products;

d) your use does not lead to overall adverse environmental or human health.

With regard to the prevention of waste (which means reducing as much as possible the production), the Directive provides for a program of measures to support the policies of eco-design products that reduce both waste and the presence of harmful substances in them, promoting technologies focusing on durable, reusable and recyclable materials: that far from us was the reduction in the quantity and hazardous waste , but has never been implemented. The Directive also provides for a target dissociation , this term the decoupling economic growth from environmental impacts associated with waste production, probably in order to ensure that economic growth does not occur contestualmente ad una maggiore produzione dei rifiuti.

La nuova direttiva, inoltre, prevede ancora la pratica dello smaltimento in proprio dei rifiuti non pericolosi, mentre per quanto concerne i rifiuti domestici non differenziati prevede la creazione di una rete integrata e adeguata di impianti di smaltimento e di impianti per il recupero anche di concerto con altri stati dell'Unione: non più dunque il vincolo di effettuare le operazioni di smaltimento e di recupero all'interno del territorio di produzione (ambito territoriale).

Vedremo come sarà recepita, in Italia, la Direttiva.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Answers To Diffusion Osmosis Lab

Appalti meno contestabili: nuove norme.

La Legge comunitaria 2008 impone il recepimento della Direttiva 2007/66/CE sul miglioramento dell' efficacia delle procedure di aggiudicazione degli appalti pubblici, allo scopo di limitare i ricorsi e di rendere gli stessi più efficaci.

The law provides that, first of all, it is necessary to ensure a consistent procedural framework for all contracts covered by the Public Contracts Code (Legislative Decree no. 163/06), and secondly, that we should do so that the contracting may be made promptly informed of the imminent commencement of legal proceedings (presented to the TAR, the Regional Administrative Court), with a brief indication of the reasons, in order to assess whether to intervene in time in self-defense ( eliminating, for example, the procedure for the award), and finally, all complaints related to the same procedure for the award should be concentrated in the same Feedback or meeting.

As for the action on the content of contracts, the law provides that the agreement is promoted good-natured, and the arbitration shall be provided as alternative remedy to civil proceedings and its costs must be contained.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Skins Compression Sale

Il rischio di alluvioni: cosa intende fare, l'Italia?

Community Law 2008 requires the transposition of Directive 2007/60/EC on the risk of flooding, of which however does not define the criteria as it does, however, in other areas.

The directive notes that floods are natural phenomena can not be prevented in the sense that it is impossible to prevent a flood occurs. One can not therefore seek to reduce risks to human health, environment, cultural heritage, economic activity resulting from a temporary flooding of areas not normally covered by water.

Just to emphasize the theme, the Directive stipulates that the competent authorities for the management of flood risk can be distinguished from those dealing with the protection of waters and hydrogeological risks (landslides).

member states to reduce the risk of flood, should identify areas potentially flooded (by December 22, 2010), and must draw up hazard maps ( by December 22, 2013) and the plans risk management flood (presumably by December 22, 2015). The identification of the flooded areas must be renewed every six years, so, consequently, the preparation of maps and plans will be updated every six years.

The definition of risk must take into account the fact that areas with lower probability of occurrence of floods can be affected by phenomena particularly intense (extreme), while areas that are most frequently affected by flooding may be affected by phenomena of lesser intensity.

The Directive, then, requires an assessment, in areas subject to flood risk, flood extent (also indicating the rate of flow) and level (including specifying the height of water) and the possible transport of sediments. The risk assessment must take into account the number of people present, the type of economic activity and the presence of pollution sources and determine the appropriate targets for risk reduction, based on an assessment of the costs and benefits, the means of water flow and areas for potential flood water ( as natural floodplains), the environmental objectives established in the existing basin plans, the management of land and water pollution, land use planning, land use, nature conservation, navigation and port infrastructure.

Today, Italy is implementing a policy of intervention in case of flooding (by Institute della Protezione civile), ma nulla sta facendo dal punto di vista della prevenzione.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Train Grope Movie Iphone

Testo unico sull'inquinamento acustico: forse sì, forse no.

Entro il 14 gennaio 2010, il Governo dovrebbe adottare uno o più decreti legislativi in materia di tutela dall'inquinamento acustico sia per l'ambiente esterno che per l'ambiente abitativo, armonizzando e adeguando le disposizioni vigenti anche in materia di requisiti acustici degli edifici e di determinazione e gestione del rumore ambientale, con definizione dei criteri per la progettazione, esecuzione e ristrutturazione delle costruzioni edilizie e delle infrastrutture dei trasporti nonche´ determinazione dei requisiti acustici passivi degli edifici.

Lo prevede l'articolo 11 della legge comunitaria 2008.

Auspico che rimanga comunque chiara la differenza tra rumore negli ambienti esterni e ruore negli ambienti interni e che non ci sia una sovrapposizione o, peggio, una generalizzazione di questi due aspetti.

Il rumore negli ambienti esterni, peraltro, si configura come materia ambientale , Which are responsible for precise figures responsible, the noise in the interior, however, is to achieve a certain level of affluence and living and working skills and, in this case, those involved in health in terms of, for prevention.

outdoor noise should not disturb those who are outdoors and do not exceed those that could be considered "normal" sound-insulating ability of a building, the noise in an indoor environment should instead be evaluated in terms of its effects on the occupants of that environment. At a time when an internal noise comes out, the problem becomes even type environment. E 'in all cases better, in my opinion, that the two issues (external noise and internal noise) are kept separate. I could be wrong.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Patch Native Expansion

Nuove norme sulla sicurezza

On August 20, 2009 shall come into force on legislative decree of 3 August 2009, No 106 (published in OJ No 180, August 5, 2009, Son 142), amending Decree 9 April 2008, No 81, on health and safety in the workplace . The changes are many and timely, so I do not intend to dedicate a post to this topic, I will take for points when the opportunity will happen or when will be required, through the comments, insights on particular issues.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Sore On Lip Four Year Old

Qualità dell'aria: verso un testo unico? Macché...

The European Directive 2008/50/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of 21 May 2008 concerning the quality of ambient air for more clean in Europe, requires that at least in urban areas, starting from 1 January 2009 are monitored fine (indicated by the symbol PM 2.5 which means they have dimensions that are 2.5 micrometers Duper ). I do not think this is still the case.

Community law in 2008 (see post of August 12, 2009), published only on 14 July 2009, requires that by July 14, 2010 will reorganize the system air monitoring (while the EU directive requires that the rules come into force by June 2010).

La tutela della qualità dell'aria è disciplinata dalla parte quinta del decreto legislativo 3 aprile 2006, n. 152 (Norme in materia ambientale), che fa riferimento a direttive europee superate dalla direttiva 2008/50/CE. La legge comunitaria, quindi, nell'articolo 10, prescrive che il testo delle norme attualmente in vigore venga aggiornato, in modo da risultare coerente con il nuovo quadro normativo in materia di qualità dell'aria. Questo non significa, dunque, che vi sia l'intenzione di elaborare un testo unico, come auspicato, invece, nell'articolo 5 della medesima legge comunitaria.

I passi da compiere per un'adeguata tutela della qualità dell'aria, previsti dalla legge, consistono innanzitutto nell'uniformare la normativa a livello nazionale, individuare le competenze in maniera coerente e uniforme e introdurre una specifica disciplina dei metodi di monitoraggio, che sia omogenea su tutto il territorio nazionale e sia rispondente ai criteri stabiliti con linee guida elaborate dall'ISPRA (Istituto superiore per la protezione e la ricerca ambientale).

From a viewpoint of the regulatory framework in place to develop a single text, it is expected to coordinate the new discipline of planning and monitoring of air quality with the existing rules on emissions permits, civil heating plants , fuels and vehicle traffic.

Text only air quality, in short, as well as a popular wedding not to be done .

Thursday, August 13, 2009

All Possible 4 Digit Combinations For Xbox 360

Il GECT per la gestione dei servizi pubblici.

A bbiamo già incontrato i GECT (Gruppi europei di cooperazione territoriale) in un post datato 14 ottobre 2008 , dove ho evidenziato la loro importanza in particolare come organismo per lo sviluppo economico.

La legge comunitaria 2008 (Legge n. 88/2009, publbicata nella g.U. n. 161 del 14 luglio 2009), all'articolo 46, disciplina la costituzione dei GECT tra regioni (o province autonome) e comuni.

Le finalita` and its tasks are composed by members of the EGTC itself defined in the Convention for the establishment and may include, in particular: the role of authorities in management, promotion and implementation of operations included in programs and projects financed by the Fund for underdeveloped areas and other specific actions of territorial cooperation, as long as 'consistent with the view to strengthening the economic and social cohesion, as well as' in compliance with the international obligations of the state.

The EGTC shall establish the annual budget and long-term budget statement, balance sheet, income Economically, the financial statements and the notes and submit them to the members, who shall approve after hearing the government vigilantes (Ministry of Economy and Finance, Court of Auditors and the Financial Police). In order to give uniform structure to the voices of budgets and final accounts and to homogenize the values \u200b\u200bentered in these items, the Minister of Economy and Finance and the Minister of Economic Development, shall, with interministerial decree, the rules for economic, financial and property in accordance with international accounting standards in the public sector, to implement the Convention and in the statutes.

positive aspects, but perhaps not feasible : if you can make use of the EGTC to entrust the role of Managing Authority of a service, it occurs to me that this may provide an integrated water services (provided Legislative Decree no. 152/2006), instead, for example, spa, private or public, and on which it was discussed and it continues to discuss still. Unfortunately, I do not think it's possible, because the law Community should have provided for this purpose, an amendment to the Consolidation Act of laws on the local (Legislative Decree no. 267/2000). Too bad.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Pregnancy Of Rimi Tomy

Verso i testi unici: ancora un miraggio?

By October 29, 2009, the Government should adopt legislative decrees that give effect to the Directive 2006/38/EC (on the charging of heavy goods vehicles for the carriage of goods by road the use of certain infrastructure) and 2008/68/EC (on the inland transport of dangerous goods), whose time limits have already expired on 10 and 30 June 2008.

By the end of 2009 will also come into force the implementation of directives 2006/42/EC (amending Directive known machines), 2007/60/EC (Evaluation and management of flood risks ) and 2007/66/EC (on improving the effectiveness of procedures for public procurement).

Within the first six months of 2010 will be enforced the provisions for monitoring air quality (Directive 2008/50/EC), but since 1 January 2009 in urban areas throughout the nazonale should operate a network of detection fine (PM 2.5 ).

By 2010, moreover, will come into effect new rules regarding waste (Directive 2008/98/EC), while all 'beginning of 2013 we will adopt the new provisions relating to driving license (Directive 2006/126/EC).

The guidelines cited are some of the directives listed in Annexes A and B of the Community Act 2008 (Act July 7, 2009, No. 88, published in Ordinary Supplement No. 110 to the Official Gazette No. 161 of 14 July 2009 and entered into force July 29, 2009).

legislative decrees implementing the directives mentioned above will also be merged further legislation, by the formation of single texts or codes of the area within July 29, 2011 (provided for in Article 5 of the Act).

remember that the provision imposing the obligation to prepare consolidated texts was already contained in the Law of 15 March 1997, no 59 (the so-called "Bassanini-one"): so far, the only texts that were produced about as far as I'm concerned and as far as I know, the sort of local (Legislative Decree no. 267/2000) the administrative documentation (DPR 445/2000), construction (DPR 380/2001) and public contracts (Legislative Decree no. 163/06). Twelve years have passed and the requirement is repeated.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Cost Dog Rabbies Injection

Atti persecutori: un nuovo reato.

The Criminal Code describes the crime in general, in the First Book. In the Book According to describe the crimes one by one. The Second Book is divided into thirteen titles, which cover, respectively, crimes against the state, crimes against public administration, crimes against the administration of justice, crimes against religious sentiment and against the piety of the deceased, crimes against 'public order, crimes against public safety, crimes against public faith, crimes against the public economy, industry and trade, crimes against public morality and decency, offenses against the integrity and health of race (repealed), crimes against the family, offenses against persons, crimes against property.

In particular, the title which deals with crimes against the person, is divided into three chapters (Chapters), which respectively define the offenses against life and limb, the libel and crimes against individual freedom. This chapter deals with crimes against the person (basically slavery and plagiarism), crimes against personal liberty (including, kidnapping, illegal arrest, unlawful restriction of personal freedom, search or inspection arbitrary personal, sexual assault, corruption of minors, ignorance of the age of the victim) of crimes against moral freedom (private violence and threat) of crimes against the sanctity of the home and of crimes against the sanctity of the secret.

By Decree-Law 23 February 2009, n. 11, converted into law April 23, 2009, No 38, introduce a new type of crime, consisting of "persecution 'this crime is included among the crimes against the moral freedom, which therefore constitutes a crime against individual liberty. The act consists of persecution on the basis as defined by the law, conducted repeated threats or harassment of someone, in modo da cagionare un perdurante e grave stato di ansia o di paura ovvero da ingenerare un fondato timore per l'incolumita' propria o di un prossimo congiunto o di persona al medesimo legata da relazione affettiva ovvero da costringere lo stesso ad alterare le proprie abitudini di vita. Per questo tipo di reato, la pena prevista viene aumentata se la persona offesa sia un minore o una donna in stato di gravidanza oppure una persona con disabilita'; è altresì aumentata se il reato viene commesso con armi o da una persona travisata.

L'atto persecutorio, per essere tale, deve dunque risultare dalla presenza simultanea di due aspetti: uno dei due aspetti riguarda chi commette il reato, che must act repeatedly, the other aspect is the victim, who is forced to change their habits because of a serious and continuing state of anxiety (art. 612-bis of the Criminal Code). In the presence of only one of two ways, the offense is as a threat (the threat of procuring an unjust injury) or private violence (forced to do, tolerate or omit something). Of course, not as I am neither a lawyer nor a criminal, I do not pretend, in this post, to teach criminal law, but I try to give my personal contribution to the reading of texts that, by law, ordinary citizens can not ignore although it has not given to judge the actions of others (because this is for institutional of judges).