Sunday, August 23, 2009

Answers To Diffusion Osmosis Lab

Appalti meno contestabili: nuove norme.

La Legge comunitaria 2008 impone il recepimento della Direttiva 2007/66/CE sul miglioramento dell' efficacia delle procedure di aggiudicazione degli appalti pubblici, allo scopo di limitare i ricorsi e di rendere gli stessi piĆ¹ efficaci.

The law provides that, first of all, it is necessary to ensure a consistent procedural framework for all contracts covered by the Public Contracts Code (Legislative Decree no. 163/06), and secondly, that we should do so that the contracting may be made promptly informed of the imminent commencement of legal proceedings (presented to the TAR, the Regional Administrative Court), with a brief indication of the reasons, in order to assess whether to intervene in time in self-defense ( eliminating, for example, the procedure for the award), and finally, all complaints related to the same procedure for the award should be concentrated in the same Feedback or meeting.

As for the action on the content of contracts, the law provides that the agreement is promoted good-natured, and the arbitration shall be provided as alternative remedy to civil proceedings and its costs must be contained.


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