Community Law 2008 requires the transposition of Directive 2007/60/EC on the risk of flooding, of which however does not define the criteria as it does, however, in other areas.
The directive notes that floods are natural phenomena can not be prevented in the sense that it is impossible to prevent a flood occurs. One can not therefore seek to reduce risks to human health, environment, cultural heritage, economic activity resulting from a temporary flooding of areas not normally covered by water.
Just to emphasize the theme, the Directive stipulates that the competent authorities for the management of flood risk can be distinguished from those dealing with the protection of waters and hydrogeological risks (landslides).
member states to reduce the risk of flood, should identify areas potentially flooded (by December 22, 2010), and must draw up hazard maps ( by December 22, 2013) and the plans risk management flood (presumably by December 22, 2015). The identification of the flooded areas must be renewed every six years, so, consequently, the preparation of maps and plans will be updated every six years.
The definition of risk must take into account the fact that areas with lower probability of occurrence of floods can be affected by phenomena particularly intense (extreme), while areas that are most frequently affected by flooding may be affected by phenomena of lesser intensity.
The Directive, then, requires an assessment, in areas subject to flood risk, flood extent (also indicating the rate of flow) and level (including specifying the height of water) and the possible transport of sediments. The risk assessment must take into account the number of people present, the type of economic activity and the presence of pollution sources and determine the appropriate targets for risk reduction, based on an assessment of the costs and benefits, the means of water flow and areas for potential flood water ( as natural floodplains), the environmental objectives established in the existing basin plans, the management of land and water pollution, land use planning, land use, nature conservation, navigation and port infrastructure.
Today, Italy is implementing a policy of intervention in case of flooding (by Institute della Protezione civile), ma nulla sta facendo dal punto di vista della prevenzione.
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