These are the issues contained in the Recommendation 625 European Commission on 20 August 2009, published in the Official Journal of the European Union on 29 August, which addresses the issue of digital television.
scrolling text, understand it to literacy is meant an opportunity to be informed about what is happening throughout Union, while the news are currently limited to very limited areas, national, regional or even local. For knowledge economy , however, it seems that is the ability of citizens to make informed choices and different as consumers of media and thus contribute to what competitiveness of the European audiovisual and content.
Media literacy, reports the recommendation, è oggi considerata una delle condizioni indispensabili per una cittadinanza attiva e per prevenire e ridurre i rischi di esclusione dalla vita sociale: in questo senso, dunque, si parla di informazione inclusiva .
Nella medesima Raccomandazione, alla tecnologia digitale viene dato lo stesso valore della rete internet, come mezzo per creare e diffondere immagini, informazioni e contenuti; in tal senso, il digitale diverrebbe una condizione essential to the independence and pluralism of the media and would have a positive impact on the values \u200b\u200bof diversity, tolerance, transparency, equality and dialogue. The process could be developed to include media literacy into school curricula and teaching non-official society as a whole would contribute to mutual literacy.
Achieving an appropriate level of media literacy, as recommended, would be achieved through a series of requirements by both institutions by economic actors, the first should care to adopt codes of conduct and protection of personal data, to monitor and digital information to be included in school curricula information on events of significance (conferences and public events), the latter, however, should organizing systems to the choice of content information (search engines), maintain clear boundaries between information and advertising (business information?) and stimulate creativity in the people, spreading in a clear and understandable to all the rules on the processing of personal data and copyright.
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