Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Pregnancy Of Rimi Tomy

Verso i testi unici: ancora un miraggio?

By October 29, 2009, the Government should adopt legislative decrees that give effect to the Directive 2006/38/EC (on the charging of heavy goods vehicles for the carriage of goods by road the use of certain infrastructure) and 2008/68/EC (on the inland transport of dangerous goods), whose time limits have already expired on 10 and 30 June 2008.

By the end of 2009 will also come into force the implementation of directives 2006/42/EC (amending Directive known machines), 2007/60/EC (Evaluation and management of flood risks ) and 2007/66/EC (on improving the effectiveness of procedures for public procurement).

Within the first six months of 2010 will be enforced the provisions for monitoring air quality (Directive 2008/50/EC), but since 1 January 2009 in urban areas throughout the nazonale should operate a network of detection fine (PM 2.5 ).

By 2010, moreover, will come into effect new rules regarding waste (Directive 2008/98/EC), while all 'beginning of 2013 we will adopt the new provisions relating to driving license (Directive 2006/126/EC).

The guidelines cited are some of the directives listed in Annexes A and B of the Community Act 2008 (Act July 7, 2009, No. 88, published in Ordinary Supplement No. 110 to the Official Gazette No. 161 of 14 July 2009 and entered into force July 29, 2009).

legislative decrees implementing the directives mentioned above will also be merged further legislation, by the formation of single texts or codes of the area within July 29, 2011 (provided for in Article 5 of the Act).

remember that the provision imposing the obligation to prepare consolidated texts was already contained in the Law of 15 March 1997, no 59 (the so-called "Bassanini-one"): so far, the only texts that were produced about as far as I'm concerned and as far as I know, the sort of local (Legislative Decree no. 267/2000) the administrative documentation (DPR 445/2000), construction (DPR 380/2001) and public contracts (Legislative Decree no. 163/06). Twelve years have passed and the requirement is repeated.


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